Scrappers Delight 1st Birthday Blog Hop 3 prizes plus some on the way.International Candy !!What you waiting for start hopping!
1st Prize
It's our first Birthday over at Scrapper's Delight the forum for crafters.We have fun and challenges swaps general chit chat and have a fabulous time.Were a great bunch and friendly .Today is the start of the blog hop which i havent taken part in as i had planned to be away up north but those plans have been put on hold until Wednesday.
Anyways there are some fab prizes to be won along the way and if you solve the answer at the end .You must join the blog hop and collect the letters along the way i think the Easter Bunny has dropped some so what you waitng for theres 3 Prizes and also along the way some of the girls have their own candy on offer .So to take alook at the prizes check it here Beccas Blog.
Then go start and check out the hop from my good friend Tracy Here.enjoy dont forget leave a comment on each blog for chance to win some Candy.At the end they will send you to Scrappers Delight this is where you have to leave your answer for a chance to win the BIG Prizes.
good luck and have fun