Before oi start i would just like to add to all those mothers out there who have gone through child birth,wouldnt recommend anyone on planning a family as this next link may put you off a tad....found this shes great singer and shes has soooo many godd songs but this is far the best for a while ,feeling down need to have alaugh on this grey drizzly Monday .Look no further click on the link.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EM2CORdyv8k&feature=player_embedded ENJOY!!!sure you will warning if dont like odd rude word then feel free not to watch!

Well i think Spring has certainly sprung with tyhe weather this past week,but the weekend had to be the hotest.So dint get much crafting done sat outside and got ready my hanging baskets ,and tubs ready for end April when i shall hopefully be able to start to fill.That is if the frosts have gone to bed for good!
I did manage however 2 get acouple of cards done well lie really my eldest did one,Sophie sat with me not done this for ages ,always something better to do!lol
Well just before i go may not be around for much this next week as we are of on a wee Easter Break oooooh where i here you say "Darlington"then the Lakes then over to Whitby so fingers crossed the weather stays past thursday.
This weeks challenge over at Creative Inspirations is the theme of Easter but using Green & Yellow crafts projects have to be in by the 19th April so pop on over check the fab prize on offer.
So to all my fellow readers ,followers and crafters Have a Happy Easter not tooooooo much chocolate!
hugs judex