Before i go onto the award please scroll to next post for todays Monday Alzheimers Giverway
This 1st award i have been given by the lovely Rose and also Jen thankyou so much for even thinking of me .Now with this ward the beautiful blogger award i have todo a couple of things.
here's the rules for this award:
1) Add a link and note of thanks to the person giving the award(done)
2) Pass the award on to 7 bloggers whose blogs you have recently discovered that you love
.3) Share 7 things about yourself.
1) Add a link and note of thanks to the person giving the award(done)
2) Pass the award on to 7 bloggers whose blogs you have recently discovered that you love
.3) Share 7 things about yourself.
Well im going to have to get back with the 7 as i need to get all the links .
But 7 things about me.....
1.Im married to Andy
2.Have 2 fabulous daughters i adore
3.I have a wonderful Dad and Mum that i owe my life
4.I left home when i was 17 to go do my Nurse Training in Epping
5.Qualified as a nurse my Career as a senior nurse inA&E
6.Moved from London to Norfolk in 2002
7.Diagnosed with ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia in 2006
1.This blog is magical such a talented lady i came across few weeks back now so please go check it out!
2.Marlene...Here.. fails to Inspire
3.Risa ...Here.. fails to amaze me with her colouring such agreat blog fab crafts and fun to read!
5.Mel....Here..Love seeing her crafty makes and chitty chat
6.Sandy....Here.. found this blog and beautiful makes!
7.Penni..Here.... Creations

I have received this 2nd award from my friend Sarah thankyou so much hun for thinking of me your so kind.This sunshine award i would like to give to;Sunshine award goes to......
1.RozzyB ...This person is agood friend ,and an inspiration to all crafters
2.Martine..Such an inspiration to all crafters and generous too.
3.Hannah....Such inspiration to all crafters ,such talent at ayoung age