Good Morning all you Woywwers !Wow what achange in weather from last week...Maybe the Indian summer has arrived at long last.Scorcher yesterday and see it has to continue until the weekend!
Hope youve all had a good week i know for some it's been a stressful time at hospital.hopefully with all the well wishes and vibes things are starting to improve !With M and the Babies.We are all thinking of you all .
Now it's wedensday and boy 1st October and well gotta say it 87 YES.....87 days till the man in the big Red coat turns up bearing gifts....lol

Anyways onto wednesday ritual of snooping around the world at all the amazing crafters and artists alike.So if you wanna join in pop by
Julias blog The boss lady of this wednesday craze and be apart of it.Well thanks to Crafty Elf's creations for christmas,and ,many other blogs .Mu mojo mode was certainly not ready for Crimbo.Then after visiting the
Funkie Junkie's blog and seeing Linda was doing her 12 tags of christmas the Funkie Junkie way my inspiration changed .Why not join in?!
You can see my first tag and all the deets in the post below.
On my desk is remnants of the mess and some other tags im playing around with at present nothing is set in stone just sat on the top of the tags.

Piccy above shows the pile of mess to the left of my desk .Piccy below is the pushed mess to the right of my desk...lol

These are what im playing around with at the present.

Thankyou for all your lovely comments .Hope you have great creative week will try and get round you all today.
Love n hugs judex