Yesterday we went to celebrate mum's birthday and good time had by all such a sad and cruel disease .Don't honestly think mum had any clue to what was going on mind.The home had given us alounge and when we entered they had decorated with banners ,birthday cake ,bucks fizz,and lovely spread ,which we didnt expect at all or asked for.
As we were there i got to speak to one of the girls she is the lady who looks after there occupational needs and is trying to raise monies for hydro pool which in turn will help alot of the residence .So they are trying to do alot of fund raising.So when i get back ive promised to make cards and a few altered art items so they can sell to help fund raise .
Im appealing to any crafters who wish to help please email me at; .
All donations greatly accepted can be from cards to altered art ,decorated note books,jewelery anything that you think they can sell at forth coming fund raising coffee mornings ,bazzars that they have palnned between now and christmas.They are not given enough funding to spend on occupying the residence as it is .This i feel is one thing that Alzheimers patients benefit from having there mind occupied.The lady who is doing this Maureen has some fab ideas but just hasnt got the money to do this out of the budget they are given.
Dont feel you have to, but every thing donated will be truley appreciated and please email me if you think you can help.
hugs and thanks in advance
Monday, 10 August 2009
Creative Inspiration Challenge 15

This weeks challenge over at Creative Inspirations Challenge 15 has been set by my good friend Queenie(aka Tracy).This weeks theme is "Tags"yes can be on a card,layout tag on a gift youve made the worlds ,your check out the DT entries as there are some fab creations and you never know may get some creative inspiration to enter yourself.Hope you like my card yes christmas card again but hey once the kids go back time will just fly....santa will be preparing for his visit.....oh i do love christmas think must be one best seasons for us crafters.
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