Thanks go to Suz who has kindly given me this award
These are the rules for this award - Im off hunting for blogs to follow and be inspired by so I can fullfill this bit!!
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this -done
2. Share 8 things about yourself -done
3. Pass it on to 8 bloggers that you have recently discovered -done
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards .Done
Right, 8 things about me....
1)I have been crafting over 15 years
2)I suffer from ME/CFS and Fibro since 2006
3)I am a senior Nurse Trained in Critical Care and Accident & Emergency
4)I have 1 older sister who lives in Chester
5)I fund Raise for Alzheimers this is such a fab cause and such a cruel disease.As you all my followers know very close to my heart.
6)My craft hobby changes into a buisness called "Dragonfly-crafts-online.com"
7) In 2008 had to close down my crafts Business due to my ME/CfS.Now just a hobby but miss my customers dearly'
8)I Moved from London to Norfolk in 2002.
I pass this award onto the following bloggers:
1)Becca...Beccas Crafty Corner
3)Deb:Say it with Letters
4)Shawne:Paper Art From Studio 313
5)Wendy:Studio 490
7)Disguised As A Grown Up....Marlene
8)Sarah:Sarah's littyle Creations
Please ladies take this blog award and pass it on
Love n hugs