Sunday, 9 May 2010
Happily Ever After
ME/CFS Awareness Week 9-15thMay

As most of you know i have suffered with ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia since 2006.This week is Me awareness week .To make people aware of this condition.Many people like myself turn to crafting to help pace there day.Everybody sufferes differently and can be of any age.Basically im not going to put you through what ive experienced myself anyone suffering from ME or interested in this medical condition can go Here and read my story.
Now one crafter who is a suffering from this illness is Rachel and she is doing some fundraising and all you crafters can help by buying her images.This week is ME awareness week and Rachel one of other dt members over at Lexi's Creations is raising some money for the charity AYME by selling some fab images, by Lexi.AYME is a charity who help young people with ME/CFS, aged 0-26 find information, support and friendship*Copied from the website*Why is fundraising important?AYME charges no membership fees. This means we depend heavily on donations and members' fundraising to:run the AYME telephone helpline which receives over three thousand calls a year;fund our National Support Worker to visit a child in crisis;publish the members' bi-monthly magazine, CHEERS, which is a lifeline for our housebound members, providing support and friendship;run our online services, which are the focus of social contact for otherwise isolated young people;provide special services of comfort and support to desperately ill children and young can go here to check out the images and buy digi images Here.
Go on help make a difference!Please spread the word the more digi's sold the more chance of Racheal meeting her target.
Some useful websites: