to the left my LOTV stamps were waitng for me when i retuned.Plus cant go away for a week and not visit any craft shops that would be total outright SIN!So yes i did and i got some bargains too.As well as getting Bargains and goodies for me i also managed to drop some extra bits in for you all too.So if you scroll down you will see i have some candy on offer in below post.
"Holiday Candy"this will be open until 18th august When hopefully i will be back with my mojo.So once youve finished with this post scroll down and enter to win!
Quick peep at the table ,paper rack and draws these are to the left of my Desk and in rather a bit of a mess which now i wish id cleaned up before going away!You will also see a half finished chest whihc my daughter and i started before going away.Whihc will end up as keep sake
"TWILIGHT Chest "of al;l things but shes a mad follower rather her than me.Lastly my caffeeine intake this wednesday morning.
Have a wicked Wednesday
love n hugs