Thanks to http://craftydragons.blogspot.com/ for thinking of me and giving me this lovely award the rose award ive called it above .I have to tell you 5 things about what id like to do.
1.crafting my all time fav whatever it i love it being scrapbooking or altered art.
2.Recently got into photographylove to go out take photos of anything..lol, i mean anything i wasnt surpose to be taking at the time..lol
3.Spending time with my hubby and daughters
4.Love to help anyone i can whatever it is if i can help i will hubby says to kind hearted for my own good!sometimes!!!
5.This lasat one is most important at the moment love to spend time with my "mum" even though she doesnt know who i am ,but talking about her child hood seems to attract her attention.
i will be back tomorrow to give out these awards.
The "Big hug "award i send to Cheryl she sure needs abig hug or too lately and her blog is one amazing inspiration to all crafters.Also i give this award to my dear friend Rozzy her blog is also an inspiration to all bloggers and i know she suffers with joint pains like me so gentle hugs sent to her too!
The Rose award i give to the following blogs FiFI her blog is just amazing!!!
The Smiles award i give to my good friend June & Suzi who both are so kind hearted and have fab blogs too.My friend June has just recently set up a challenge blog which is amazing so good luck to her and please go take a peek and even join in!http://artonthedarkside.blogspot.com/
I would like to give the "Honest Scrap award " to all my lovely bloggers who have joined in with my daily candy so please feel free to take.

I have to admit im the worlds worst for remembering who sent them and also adding to blog so thanks to Queenie for her lovely award and thinking of me .Please take alook at her blog it's amazing faerie amazing...lol .
Thanks to Sharron you always make me smile ...lol laugh me socks of alright thanks hun your good friend.June ,Suzi,Cheryl of all whom keep giving me support and lovely awards.Thanks
Thanks and hugs to you all you know who you are ...lol judex