I should have uploaded these yesterday but got waylayed.Yes hope your sitting down ,popped to Tesco's to buy some milk and came home with 6pints milk and a new 8 week old Puppy "Westie"so got more than i bargained for plus puppy's dont come with tesco clubcard points...!!!lol.So that is my explanation why i didnt get uploaded yesterday .
Anyways as you well know im having huge clear out so this side of my craft room is the tidy part!!!Yes i have tidy part at the mo!Who knows how long it will stay.

As you can see from the above piccy i have done a wee bit of crafting managed to colour 2 images in as im having to make a wedding card for friend.Thats far as it goes..lol Since coming back from hols think left mojo there!!!My carosel is nice and tidy for once best thing i ever bought wello actually hubby.Or should i say until i returned from dads to find something sat on my desk called a "Cricket Machine"yes he bought me Ciruit machine whilst i was away and put on my desk.So also on there you will be able to see the 4 free cartridges that came with it ,cd mat which as yet havent had time to play with.

In this piccy is my beloved comp screen which is attached to laptop behind .My wee little painted jar which my friend Tracy sent which i use all the time and pride place on my desk,and a pen always handy to have apen...lol

This piccy shows the tidy corner of my craft room all neat and co-ordinated how long for who knows?There you can see .My shelve for all my papers and card on the top i have jars of flowers colour co-ordinatede jars...Tesco £1.00 oh such expensive buy...!then all my Su Punches,well not all....oops have more in a draw.On the table below the paper rack you will see my containers with copics in just a few..lol......never have too many well thats what i tell myself anyway
.Small Plastic 4 draws bysides holds all my SU Inks.
On desk ontop of ciruit carts are:Two cards just recently received one from the lovely Penni with Ribbon and Flower swap from RAK forumnand the other from my dear friend Cheryl

OMG....this is the untidy bit which as yet ive not got round to sorting,and the floor but didnt really think youd be impressed with the floor.At moment cant see my sewing machine,bindit all,or cropadile as covered with bits i need to sort out.Hopefully by next wednesday they will be .
So have good nosey hope you enjoy and sorry for the above messy piccy....
Now go click on the title and see everyone elses!!!Maybe join in next week.So dont forget pop by next week to see if anything has moved...lol .Please dont forget im selling some crafty stuff some new some used check out...
Love n hugs