Wanna win these flowers then leave a comment on this post for chance to win
loads flowers these just a peek at what youll get.Pop back tomorrow see if your a winner!

Morning all well not good one looking out side damp icy and very foggie!Just what i need when today yep the second saturday beofre crimbo and i have to strat YES start my crimbo shopping yuck!i must be mad yeah truly insane.Although with everything going on the past few weeks in my life not surorising ive not done any.So today sthe day i start and finish it all.Then trip to elveden for the crimbo tree we love doing this every year.They have alovely event throughout December and have the most amazing digs new foundlands i think !They have them pulling wee carts on the carts you put your crimbo tree and they take it to your car!!they are sooo cute and you donate by giving to the Hospice and East anglia Air ambulance so well worth it the girls love it!you never know may get me in the christmassy mood as yet im not!
I have uploaded a few wee cards made for my daughters as they were short, glad theyve got theres written ..lol.
I will pop back later with some piccys of the tree and dogs to show you.Also have my Dt creations for the creative Inspirations ;last challenge before Christmas which is a fab one well i would say that as i choose it...lol.
Befroe i go just want to let you know from Monday i will be having my birthday Candy to run from now until 6th Jan when im 21!!!yeah i wish ..loland winner announced 7th jan so fancy some new year free craft goodies then keep popping back and checking whats on offer for m
Birthday Bonaza Candy ...Until then leave a comment on this post the winner will win some lovely Prima flowers check back tomorrow to see whos won