Gosh good afternoon totaly forgot it was Wednesday !!!lol Last week they told me when i went for all my results and scans that my Brain is normal and healthly!!!yep my daughters and husband both agreed that memory loss must not show up on scans,Hoe Cheeky ...lol Well they may just be right!Im pleased to say my results came back and it is down to my ME?CFS &Fibro thats the cause of my problems and my result for MS thankgoodness was negative.So thats one stress off my mind.Now wednesday although nearly over..lol so time to be nosey and visit all the crafty desks around the world.So if you havent anyidea what im on about then pop over to
Julia's stamping ground and check it out....Shes deserted us this week and has flown the nest...lol

Well yesterday i received this beautiful PIF gift from the lovely Pam.Bless her this is the second time she has sent and it arrived in one piece.Royal mail still figuring out where i live with the first pif.Yes as yet they havent delivered and Pam has so kindly sent a replacement.
Well it cheered me up no end So thankyou hunni!My mojo is still not around do today hence why im late plus forgetting it was wednesday.I am in the throws of clearing out my craftroom.They sya when your stressed good to keep busy plus i surpose im hoping to find my mojo in a draw,...lol.
Gosh so much stuff i forgot i even had ,thats bad but good for me because im hoping when i have time and feel well it may pur on my mojo.At the moment this hest is killing me Monday we had tepm of 32.8 in my craftroom was like sleeping in greenhouse monday night.Hence today a wee cooler showing 22.

Cant show you much on my desk as it is piled high with allsorts as im having reorganisation and clearout .So i thought id show you an atc i made in May which i made when mojo was around and willing.Apart from that not much on my desk to showcase.Hopefully next week i will have some creation well im hoping.I showed you last week the invites for my daughters joint party with a friend .Well they finished them all at the weekend now in safe hands of their guests.
I can't beleive July friday where has this past 6 months gone.I usually by now have half my crimbo cards and gifts made !Not a chance this year fingers crossed mojo comes aback soon.!

Anyeaqys have a lovely wednesday (Whats left of it...lol)and have fab creative week or in Julias and anyone away have fab week.
Love n hugs