Good Morning Woywwers cant believe wednesday already i must apologise if ididnt get round you all but not had agood week.I know from experience after Crimbo usually a bit of letdown but Wow what a week i am having!Anyways if you wanna know what every one else has been upto go check out the lady herself
MS Julia's blog the boss behind the nosey
Well what a week since my Birthday everything has gone mad.Yes finaly on Sunday we had some heating and hot water but wait..........only for an hour!then stopped thats all the boiler is letting us have.We have been told it's dying so a new boiler it is .Well OMG at the moment they aint cheaps!!!Running up to & not far from£3,000 which aint what you want just after crimbo!
So thats the boiler saga.
My next bit of sad news is that i have been under the consultant since i lost sight in rt eye in June if youve read my blog you will have seen i ve mentioned as had aload of tests to rule out MS.
I went on Monday for my check up .And news isnt good they have now deceided that i have to have a Flurosein Angiograpy where they inject die into my arm shows up the eye and they take series of xrays/photos,then also i have to have another Brain scan but more indepth one.To see what that brings up.They have told me after seeing 2 registras ,2 consultants (thought my lucky day) four men MWAH ...but hold off only 2 where real hunks other 2 old enough to be me dad or grandad for that matter
Anyways they have told me i am nearly blind in rt eye well i new that as havent been able to see anything but the top A on the eye test screen that was only in sept very blurred just make it out.
So im going blind and as yet they dont know what is causing it.I was lucky or not as last thursday i started with the terriffic pain in my eye which is still ongoing so glad i had while i was there .As my eye doesnt react the way it should well common sense tells you if im blind in that eye then no it wont!So im now waiting to go for these tests as usual the receptionist cant make whilst your there so will post out.
So been on bit downer they gave me medication but cant take them i did yesterday for first does violently sick isnt the word way to loose few pounds but not the nicest of ways!
So girlies havent celebrated me birthday thankyou for all the lovely cards and messages sent made my day.I will try get round you all but i not surpose to be on comp long at moment as my eye and headpain unbeleiveable .Not as happy as id like to be as being a senior nurse they say they are the worst patients as you know whats going
Anyways now your all depressed for the day after reading
Im afraid cant show you my dt cards just yet and apart from that on my desk i have more crafty goodies that i got for my birthday to show you.This was taken yesterday late afternoon just before i received another bday present late one but who cares as in it was Tim Holtz ....yeah i no but the rossette die and some ideology bits that cheered me up from a friend in scotland.But on my desk and still sat here today are birthday craft items i received yes apart from pair boots,2 handbags,fleece and money i received crafty goodies whey hey final peeps have realised and crafty items rather than sweets or smeelies!

So thats whats on my desk as yet due to my eye and my headaches havent had chance to play but the bestest thing a glue gun you dont plug in....My prayers have been answered never seen one so im thinking must be new.I use mine alot and can be apain when plugged in .So cant wait to try.Will; let you all know.
Forever friends stamps,papers ,spring ribbons and bows just adore those pale colours for spring .Making memories Jet Adore 8x8 papers that i have to say our lush!Thats as well as the bits showed you last week from dad so i have been very spoilt and why not one says .My daughter not happy as i have more birthday cards than she got so her ansewer was when you get old you get less cards?My answer just shows im not old!!!!!(not a word was uttered from her mouth thinkshe was in shock..he he)
So i shall love you and leave you will try and get to see as many as i can each day.
Have wonderful wednesday .Do hope all that who were ill with this flu bug are starting to feel better and more like themselves again!
Forgot to say my Birthday candy will be drawn tomorrow sorry should been done on 7th so pop back tomorrow see if youve been lucky!!.
Love n hugs