Candy is now closed i will; return on wednesday with the please pop back for results.
Sorry ive not been around as up north as my dad was rushed into hospital with a clot in his lung .And well time 's not been on my side.
Love n Hugs
Candy is now closed i will; return on wednesday with the please pop back for results.
Sorry ive not been around as up north as my dad was rushed into hospital with a clot in his lung .And well time 's not been on my side.
Love n Hugs
Having a clearout of crafts Just uploaded loads items to my shop blog link below.New and used items more to come once i get energy to upload
Hi everyone,This year for children in need which is something very close to my heart I have decided to run an online auction for two pieces of my artwork, The Steampunk Time Machine and the Tim Holtz inspired altered bottle both pictured below.To bid, simply click on the link located below the pictures of the artwork. Please note that bidding will close at midnight on the 18th Oct 2011.The highest bidder will be contacted and informed of there successful bid after this date.You will be able to check the highest bid each day on the right hand side of my blog titled Andy's Auction located just below the picture Of Pudsey Bear.You can bid as many times as you like!
He has some fabulous creations up for Grabs so please spread the word and join in
Well i love the colour combo and never would have thought of using this on tag ,but im sure gonna try and use this same design on Christmas Card.All thanks to Linda over
at the Funkie Junkie
If it wasnt forher i think id still be stuck in the mojoless mood for christmas.Instead ive found inspiration from this challenge and now on a roll to get all my Crimbo handmade items done!Now if your lacking the inspiration to get a grip with christmas why not take alook at the challenge and join in!If i can anyone am also entering this into Simon Says Stamp And Show Challenge This weeks theme is Wendi Vecchi style so i am hoping this counts!Now my last piccy is of all my 4 tags ive made for this fab Christmas Challenge.It has inspired me to cut loads of tags even for the Tim Holtz 12 days christmas ...yep's that for someone who hadnt a Chrsitmas mojo in her body a few weeks ago...
Week 1-Week 4 Tags
Have fab Creative Tuesday and make the most of the hot sunshine
Love n Hugs
Ingredients used:
Tag :Tim Holtz die and SU Card
D/Paper :Bo bunny ET CETERA Collection
Distressed inks :Vintage Photo,Archival Plum and Aged Mahogony
Bottle Top :With 25 was from Vintage Christmas set The flower underneath was
die cut and then d/inked and added Inkessentials Glossy Accents.
Ribbon :Was also distressed with Antique Linen & Vintage Photo
Flowers and Brad :Prima
Tim Holtz Ticket :Distressed and then glossy accents added.Brad is SU
The image of santa is from some left over christmas papers from last year from Kaiser Craft i believe.and distressed the edges.Then burnt the edges with lighter be careful not to set alight .But i wanted daker look to the edge pleased with the never burnt anything...!lol.
Ribbon and distressed Lace added to top of tag.
Hope you like my tag and it has given you inspiration to join in with the
The 12 Tags of Christmas Funkie Junkie Style Challenge..
This Week im also entering this tag into Sunday Stampers the theme this week is Mojo.Well you all know my Christmas mode mojo hadnt arrived until i found Linda's 12 tags christmas and then bingo her creations soooo inspired me to try different colour combo's for Crimbo instead just the traditional colours.
Enjoy the heatwave anther hot and glorious day so enjoy while you can as apparently end of hurricane from USA hitting us by end week.There goes are Indian
Have fab creative day thanks for all the lovely comments on previous tags .Much appreciated
Love n hugs