Gosh it is sometime since i was here playing along with Woyww boy have i missed you crafty lot.All those desk .My Wednesdays havent been the same...lol. Anyways im here today taking part in Julia's Wednesday Ritual where you sit back and travel the world of crafty desks.So pop along to the stamping ground and show us your desk.
So sorry ive not been around but due to my daughters health and my Dad's up North haven't had much time to do much let alone craft.Yes Sophie is still off and still suffering bless her mind the school have actually got tutor in to teach 5 hrs a week which is better than nothing!
So what you all been upto ?keeping out-ta mischeif i hope ...narr not you lot.When not much going on on my desk .im so pleased i got some of my DT projects done ahead of time.My latest one a tando frame/tray is post below i have altered some what...My desk tidy!!!!has been for some weeks ,im hoping this will change.
I had a clearout before everything or life got in the way but i have some mega packs of charms,lace flowers all sorts as seen in piccy .For sale if interested They ar £8 posted ,if so please email me at: andrewjude45@hotmail.com
Never realised how much you collect hoard but they are fab pack full of quality items
Well that the other side of my desk usualy you dont see it as the push pile to the right is there...lol.I shall try and get round you all and see what youve been upto whilst ive been gone!
Hope your all well and enjoying this beautiful hot weather we have .
Love n hugs