Fancy adding the
above button to your blog? Well if you do then here is what you have to
Email three
photographs of projects you have made along with a few words (no more than about
50) about yourself and why you started crafting to helen@itscraftingtime.com
Projects must be your own work from your own
We are looking for
people who can committee to making between 2 - 4 projects a month for 6
months(depending on your choice of project preferred eg card makers weekly,
altered art twice a month etc) The areas currently covered are: ATC's, Card
Making, Scrapbooking, Altered Art, Mixed Media work, Jewellery Making, and
You will be required
to keep a regular blog and link your blog to ours and your posts to ours (DT
submissions only not every post!) and we will do the same back. Please note that
if your are sucessful, DT projects must not be used for other challenges or
competitions without permission first (we need to make sure that other blogs and
sites being linked up to us are relevant and appropriate to our business, only 3
linkings per project will be agreed to)
Closing date Midday on Friday 22nd
Sorry ive not been bloggin much but have fallen downstairs on crutches and basically have to rest as done ligaments tendons and every muscle in my leg and knee...lol