
Monday, 15 December 2008

Blogg Candy

Please leave your comments for your blogg candy entry on this post .Thanks and good luck you have until 23.59 gmt on 12th January 2009 to be with a chance of winning this lovely crafty selection .What great start to the new year.But as we always say you gotta be in it to win it! Please see above header for whats in this crafty selection thats up foor grabs.
good luck judex


Janet said...

Oh i am number one!! sweet! My new years resolution is to spend more time at the gym!!
great candy!

diddldonna said...

My new years res is to really try and lose weight, by making more effort at weight watchers.

Moni said...

Yummy sweeties! Thanks for the chance to win! i linked you on my blog! Hugs, Moni

Max said...

Here I am again LOL!
What a lovely collection of crafty goodies Jude. Good Luck everyone.

My New Year's resolution is to be more organised ... both in my life and in my thoughts.


Suzy said...

Nice Candy. Thanks for put me in.

My new year resolution? I don't buy craft material if i don' sell my products.

maxine said...

Hi Jude I hope you are feeling better. Thank you for your lovely comment on my card The copic pens are very good, but I only have 2 the blues on the image are the copic pens. Hope you have fun with yours.
My new years resolution is very boring, same every year lol to Diet.Any way hope you have a lovely Christmas.
I will leave a link on my blog to your lovely candy.

Moni said...

I forgot to tell my New year resolution is to find a job! Hugs, moni

MayJay said...

Hi Jude, Nice to see you back in action. Hope you are feeling much better now.
Not really thought out a new resolution to break by Jan 2nd yet. I will try to be more patient and thoughtful towards others, how long it will last..... well, who knows, but I will try. Mayxx

Donnas Den said...

Great blog and great blog candy too. My new years resolution is to be more organised. It's probably my resolution every year but I'm not very good at keeping it.

Merry Christmas to you all.


Tanc said...

My new year resolution is to stop eating chocolade. Well actually not to eat it more than one small bite a day.
Happy birthady in afront and thank you for a chance to win a candy.

Leanne said...

Hiya Jude!
Good idea to make me think of my new years resolutions....erm....

1. lose weight
2. be happier
3. don't leave my crafting until last minute so then I have to do it in a rush and not enjoy it so much.

Erm, think that is it!!

Take care Leanne xxx

Annie said...

Hi Jude
My new year's resolution is to be a tidier crafter (some hope of that) and buy less stuff that never gets used.

There is an award for you on my blog.

Ann xxx

I'll put an ad on their for your blog candy too.

Daffodil Nellie said...

Hi! Came across you blog. My new year's resolutions are:
(1) Regain my health: Lose a stone and kick the habit!
(2) Find a better work life balance.
(3) Buy a house and try for a family or look into adopting.
(4) Find more time for crafting and use each of my stamps which have yet to have any use.
That's quite a few isn't it? LOL

Petra said...

What a fantastic candy!

In the new year I want to loose weight, buy less craft stuff and use some of the stuff I already have up.
We also want to buy a house..

Petra xx

Bunny B said...

I've linked:

My resolution for next year would be to exercise more and get toned!!! I really need to get off the excess flab!

Happy Holidays!

bunnybx at gmail . com

Maria Matter said...

Such wonderful Candy Jude!
I gave you a shout out on my blog and listed you on my Candy blogroll:
Jude has Candy!
My New Year's Res...I'm still shooting for a healthier lifestyle! I have four kids who need a mom with alot more energy!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Blessings, Maria

Lastel said...

Have you linked on my Candy Dish at the top of my side bar . New Years resolutions are to work on cards more often and keep up my blof better , lose weight and take better care of myself !
Happy Birthday !

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win all these fab products. I told about your candy on my BLOG.
x Natasha x

Anonymous said...

My New Year resolution is to try to work on getting my photos organized and in photo albums and scrapbooks. Thank you for offering this great giveaway! rhonda (at) acedesignstudio (dot) com

Linanna DESIGNS said...

Hi hun, my new years resolution is to ink up every single stamps i own at least once! and to make at least one card with it. I've never managed to keep one resolution yet, so lets home 2009 will be different. This is such gorgeous blog candy. I would love a chance to win. Im going to link you now. Linda x

~Emma~ said...

Jude I was really excited to read all about your wonderful blog candy...until I read that you have FM and me.
So you will probably understand better than anyone when I say that my New Year Resoloutions pace myself and try and smile....EVERY DAY! Big hugs Em.x

Annie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Forgetfulone said...

I want to set aside specific time for crafting rather than throwing it in in bits and spurts. Would love to win your blog candy!

Lorraine A said...

Lovely blog candy, :-) My new Year's resolution is to make a few christmas cards every month so they would be all finished by now !!!!! I am still making them ,,,I have put a link on my Blog Candy List.

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday! My New Years resolution is to eat healthier and get more exercise.
I've added you to the Candy Jar on my blog.

Cassie said...

Hi! I found your blog through Linanna Designs. Wonderful candy celebrating your birthday! My New Years resolution will be to MAKE (yep I said make) my family spend more time together! Not just the obligatory holiday dinners, but routine stuff!

I am going to be linking you to my giveaway alert post!

Anonymous said...

I have 2 new years resolutions. To quit smoking and to finish The Stone House.

Cazzy said...

Wow Jude, great blog candy. I will add a link to my blog candy alert section as soon as I post this comment.

My New Year's resolution is to use every stamp I have, which might be a difficult one to keep as I have hundreds and keep buying more!

Cazzy xx

Tracey said...

Great candy! Thanks for the chance! I posted it up on my blog sidebar.

I haven't thought much about New Year's resolutions yet but I would like to try to take things as they come next year and not stress about everything.

Karen said...

My new year's resolution is to sort my craft area, keep it tidy and use, rather than hoarding, the stash !!!
I have linked you on the right of my blog :) Thanks for the chance of winning.

Lainy's Little Blog said...

Fabulous candy. My New Years Resolution is to find a better work life balance as I spend far too much of my life working and get very little ME time, so next year I'm hoping to change that. No doubt I'll begin well and then things will go downhill from there ...but I will try! Happy birthday when it comes! Hugs, Lainy xxx

Sam said...

Hi, I've linked to you!

My resolution - besides the usual get fit ones (!) is to make more cards because this year I only made something like three cards between January and November - and that's not a good state of affairs for a card maker!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jude! Gorgeous candy. Thanks for a chance to win. My New Years resolution is to go to bed earlier more often. lol.
I'll put the link in my blog candy alerts, now.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win! My new years resolution is to not eat as much junk and to schedule a game night with my family at least once a month. happy holidays!

Mrs. Hauff said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing on your birthday!

B Crafty Today

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday and thanks for the chance to win such wonderful candy.
My New Years resolution is to do one scrapbook page a week.

Anonymous said...

I love to see all the neat things you post. Thanks,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance at you candy. said...

Hi, lovely candy! Thank's for the chance to win...
My resolution for next year would be to make happy my younger baby Amerigo, he's 6 months!! And is the most beautiful resolution for the next year!!

bye elisabetta
I've add a post to your candy on my blog!

Jacilynn said...

Great Candy. Happy Birthday!!

Jacilynn said...

Sorry, forgot my resolution. It's a popular one, loose weight from all the Christmas goodies!!!

Chrissie said...

What wonderful candy Jude and how very generous of you!
I've posted a link to you on my blog candy sidebar.
My resolution this year is to actually do some scrapbooking and not just stroke my 4 beautiful albums!

Pink Dandelion said...

Great candy Jude, my resolution this year is to walk more instead of taking the car everywhere. I have linked on my blog.

Linda . J said...

Hi Jude Happy forthcoming Birthday to you and what a great blog candy your giving away, I have advertised you on my blog with all the details.
My resolution for the New Year well it’s not a resolution really because I always break them lol, even the no choc one hehe, I just wish everyone to be happy and safe and with their families. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
Pinklilac (Linda)

Ann Hedvig said...

OH, I have two new years resolutions.
Lose weight, and by far less crafty stuff!!

Sena said...

My resolution is to exercise more!!! God knows I need it :P
I have blogged you at

Anonymous said...

thanks for this great chance.
My resolution is to spend more quality time with my family....
won't be easy with two growing up girls, who like to party *lol*
Wishing you all good luck for this draw and a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year

Greetings from Germany

Oma said...

Hey Jude, don't let me down! Sorry, just couldn't resist! LOL

My New Year's resolution is to organize all my craft stuff and keep it organized! My other resolution is to become a better person.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jude, Lovely candy!
I don't make any New Year's resolutions.. Love your blog though ;)
X, Ava

Donna said...

Hey Jude! Fabulous selection of blog candy you're giving away. I've put a link on my blog. My new years resolution is to get more organized for Christmas next year by starting on my cards in Jan. (Hopefully I'll stick to

Have a great Christmas and New Year's.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and thanks for the chance to win such yummy candy.
My New Years resolution is to do at least one scrapbook page a week.

Marry Christmas!

Татьяна Шаргородская said...

Hello! My congratulations to you!!! My new years resolution will be to find more and more free time for my creations...
I've made a post about it in my blog: Thanks for a chance to win!


Lorraine A said...

Hi , Lovely blog candy :-)
My New Years Resolution is to start making Christmas cards in January so i'll have finished BEFORE 21 st Dec !! like this year !!
I have posted a link on my Blog Candy list :-)

Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all

Unknown said...

Great candy!!! My New Years resolution is not having any because I never follow them, I am trying but it never works for me:)))) but I can say that my resolution for the next year is to do something active every day:)))

Annelies said...

Merry Christmas! Here's my candy link . My resolutions are losing some weight, start running again and take more time for scrapbooking and cardmaking. Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

Lorraine A said...

Hi , My apologies I left a comment yesterday by mistake, i had already left one a few days ago so can you please delete the last one.

Merry Christmas, hope you re having a lovely day

Алена Кинчерова said...

Hello! My New Years resolution is to leave married!! But for beginning to meet nice boyfriend!!!

CraftyRia said...

Happy Birthday Jude!

I posted a link to this blog candy on my blog:

My new Years Resolution is to use up my crafting items. I keep buying more and don't use my older stuff. I want to do more crafting, card making, and scrapbooking.

Chris said...

Bless your heart for offering such wonderful blog candy! I hope you had a special birthday and merry Christmas. Congratulations!

I don't do New Year's resolutions (like lose weight, clean more, etc.) because I feel I set myself up for failure, LOL. I can't keep them. What I DO do is make a decision to do something POSITIVE -

This year, I'm going to drink more water! I'm also going to eat more fruit. Those I think I can do!

Arianne said...

Happy, early birthday, Jude!
Thank you for the chance to win this amazing blog-candy!

I spread the word on my blog via this message.

O yeah, my New Year's-resolution?
To enjoy life more and not take things for granted!

Tracey said...

Hmmm... that is a tough one lol my New Years resolutions will probably be - Worry Less & Craft More!

I've linked you to my blog on the right hand side.


Daisychain said...

Hi, great candy. I have posted a link on my blog.

My resolution is to keep my craft room tidier. Fat chance, bet I break it within a week ha! ha!

Katarina said...

My resolution is to be in as many challenges as I can and hopefully get published in a stampingmagazine or be on a designteam.

I've written about your candy on this post:


I'm also offering a candy so I hope you join :)

Manuela said...

Thank you for the chance to win such a great candy. I've linked you on my blog.

Manuela x

Audrey said...

Wow!! What a great gift!! My resolution is to not make any resolutions I won't be able to keep!!
Will post about your give away one my blog shortly!!

WillowLakeScents said...

My New Years Resolution is to lose weight ~ at least 25 pounds ! Wish me luck. I'm heading over to post the link for your giveaway now.

Feel free to check out my Valentines Day Giveaway !!

Carol said...

Happy Birthday!! Thanks for the chance at some awesome candy! I have your giveaway on my blog, just not sure how to link it up! My New Year Resolution is to scrap at least one "thing" per day. And, of course, to lose weight. have agreat new year!!

Sunday Girl said...

Happy Birthday and thanks for the chance to win such wonderful candy. I have linked you on my blog
My new years resolution is to scrap more and clean less!
Have a great new year

Anonymous said...

My resolution is to spend more time with my hubby!! I'll send emails to my girlfriends since MY blog isn't up yet. tnx.

Anonymous said...

I'll let the women in my life know about your stash:) I resolve to be better balanced with work and family. Thank you for the chance.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! I blogged about on my blog.

I haven't really thought about New Year resolutions yet, but I'm thinking... create 3 layouts per month, create a new card design per month, get a layout/card published in a magazine, and find some new weekly article that I can write on my blog and keep up all year.

Celeste said...

My resolution is to keep my house organized!

contact me at:

Sarah x said...

Hi my resolution is to read to my son EVERY night before bed. I have blogged it for you

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...... Wow, what a great candy!
My resolution for 2009 is to start in January with making my X-mas cards, so I don't have to make so many at the end of the year!
I wish you a happy en creative new year!

Anonymous said...

Such a fun contest!!

I have posted about it at

For 2009 I vow to remember to send birthday cards to all my friends and family that live far away.

aishakiara said...

Thank you for the chance to win such a greate candy. I've linked you on my blog.


Becky said...

Great candy! My resolution is to declutter. Everything from the kids rooms to the kitchen to my scraproom. Closets, cabinets, everything! Happy New Year!

Marna said...

Nice candy! Thanks for the chance and all the best in 2009.
You're linked on my blog.

KV Creative Designs said...

Happy Birthday! I have blogged about my resolutions and your Birthday Blog candy.

Happy New Year and Artful Blessings,

demmi said...

happy birthday! what a fun prize. my resolution is to make no resolution. I posted the giveaway on my blog.

julialynn said...

Sweet candy:)
My new year goal is to scrap and craft more, submit for publishing and enter for a DT...those are my scrappiness type goals.... you have a link on my sidebar

Sarah A said...

Hi Jude

Wonderful candy which doesn't effect my New Years Resolution to lose a stone hehe.

Have linked to your blog on mine!

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Jude, thank you for this kind offer. I found your blog via a friend of a friend so I have added you to my favourites and put a link to your blog candy on my website. My New Year's resolution - I make my cards solely to sell to raise funds for different charities and I get upset when some months they don't sell well so I have vowed that I will try not to get too upset. I have also vowed that I WILL take part in some challenges this year. Best wishes. Kym

Anne said...

Thanks for the chance to win this fantastic candy Jude. My NY resolution is to USE the craft stuff I actually have. I wouldn't need to buy anything for the next 10 years!!! I've linked you to my sidebar x :)

Anonymous said...

Great candy - I want it!!

Anonymous said...

Great stuff you are offering here, I could definitely put it to good use.

Julie said...

Hi Jude,
Fab candy. My New Year's resolution is to be able to say 'NO' to people more, and not feel guilty about it.
Hope you have a fantastic birthday, and a Happy and healthy new year.
I've added a link to my sidebar. x

carine said...

hi..happy birtday..and happy new year..i posted a link on my blog..
my new years resolution is stop smoking..put my money from my sigarettes in a jar and buy stamps and scrap stuff with it..

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! This is amazing blog candy. My New Years resolution is not to buy new products..yes i know you said that'd be hard but I'm gonna really really try to stick to it.


gordy said...

Happy Birthday! Your blog candy is amazing!
My NY resolution (one of them) is to tidy up our home and keep my archives and craft goodies organized!
Thanks for chance to win!

Urškin Raj said...

my resolution is to lose weight - well, don't know when thatz will happen - thanks for a chance to win this nice candy!!

pigglet said...

wow what a generous person, i hope you have a fabby birthday. my ny resolotions are to go geocaching at least once a month with my family and to use my slow cooker more.
bit boring but i really want to spend more time with dh and kids so both of these will help.

-Agnes- said...

Happy Birthday, Jude! I have linked your blog candy here. My resolutions are to enter more challenges, that should get me crafting more regularly. And to use some of my so far untouched stash...

K said...

Happy birthday!!
Thanks for the chance :)
I blogged your candy here
Bye, Kitty

K said...

I forgot my New Year's resolution! I wowed to actually use the stash of crafty material I have at home and not just constantly buy new stash. That should be doable!
Bye, Kitty

Alex said...

Hello and thanks for the chance for your fab candy!
My resolution is to make lots of things with my stash (leaving a good reason to buy more...) and (non craft related) loose some weight!
I have linked your candy on my blog here:

Chris said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you had a good day and your blog candy is so generous, you have a great blog too. Thanks for the chance to win and I've linked to you post on my sidebar. Chris x

Donna said...

Belated Happy Birthday Jude, hope you had a good birthday and got lots of crafting goodies. Thanks for the chance to win, and I've added a link on my blog sidebar.
Now as for the New Year's resolution it was to become a little more organized as I used to be years ago, and so far it's working.....but then it's still early


miodo_oka said...

Congratulations for everything!

Wow wonderful candy have linked it from my blog.
I posted here:


tracy said...

Happy birthday great candy!
my new years resolution is to be more understanding when my teenage daughter says 'Whatever and uses language that isn't the english that i understand and make more of an effort to understand the teenagers of today, and to try and give up my chocolate addiction,
well a girl can try!

Natalia said...

Ooooo great candy.
Thank's for the chance to win.Good luck everyone.
Greetings and hugs.

Catarina said...


New year.. I hope in this year my doughter will have a small brother )) or sister.. or maybe both! It will be a good year, I think! Thanks for chanse to win this candy! I post link here!

Anonymous said...

What great candy, I'm sure it will be happy to move to Sweden!! :)

My New Years resolution is to scrap more and make more cards and not shop as much;). I'm also going to try and enter my creations in challenges and competitions and also try to get into a designteam!

Love from Sweden,

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

great candy!Thank's for the chance to win.It is remarkable, that draw of a candy will be in my birthday. Here a post in mine blog -

Лисичка said...

Wow! Great candy!! <3

Vivi Casale said...

this is a nice candy! I've added a link in my blog.
My new year resolution is to learn italian language so I can speak to my italian family.

Cardmaking Galore said...

Great Blog candy you have here! My resolution was like yours to stop buying craft stash and use more of what I have. I have some which are still in their packaging! Left a link on my blog

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Wow, what a wonderful Blogcandy. Thanks for the chance to win, i link you on my sidebar......


jo-ann said...

my resolution is to get organized! i've been plugging away at it little by little! awesome blog candy you have! i make cards for The Toronto Sick Kids Hospital and for the troops!

文章 said...
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