I have been busy on friday making packs of 5 "Cute christmas cards" to sell for the Alzehimers fund.So here is just one sample of the cards i have been making.
I have actually just come across a great bloghttp://fabsbigchristmascardschallenge.blogspot.com/ this challenge is to make christmas cards which helps bump up your stash for xmas and with so many for my self and the fund raising thought this would be fun.So i will in future take part.
As for the fund raising i thought packs of small cards cutie ones may sell and be eye catching for children to send and the big kids amongst us....lol.
I have also been busy making post it note holders once ive finished tweeking will upload those also .So i may not have done much blogging but have been busy making!
Please remember my blog candy runs out on the 8th September .Please note from next week i am adding things ive made for my Alzheimers funding but heres the BUT there's going to be daily blog candy...Yes you heard it DAILY BLOG CANDY ......I have so much stock left from when i did my website all new from paper to stamps ect So please add a post to your blog advertising the Daily blog candy from the 1st September up and including 8th september when my christmas blog candy ends .So be in with a chance of winning some lovely crafty goodies check in from the first and all you have to do is leave a comment under the piccy of the candy and a post on your blog"Alzheimers daily Candy" from the 1st -8th september please add this now to advertise to be in with a chance of winning .you can add the piccy below if you want.
Have great Bank holiday week end what ever your doing!
Love n hugs judex
I have also been busy making post it note holders once ive finished tweeking will upload those also .So i may not have done much blogging but have been busy making!
Please remember my blog candy runs out on the 8th September .Please note from next week i am adding things ive made for my Alzheimers funding but heres the BUT there's going to be daily blog candy...Yes you heard it DAILY BLOG CANDY ......I have so much stock left from when i did my website all new from paper to stamps ect So please add a post to your blog advertising the Daily blog candy from the 1st September up and including 8th september when my christmas blog candy ends .So be in with a chance of winning some lovely crafty goodies check in from the first and all you have to do is leave a comment under the piccy of the candy and a post on your blog"Alzheimers daily Candy" from the 1st -8th september please add this now to advertise to be in with a chance of winning .you can add the piccy below if you want.
Have great Bank holiday week end what ever your doing!
Love n hugs judex

Popping by to say hi :)
Missing my time to blog hop - but hope to pop by and comment properly soon :)
Finally managed to make a card or two :)
Hope you are well
these are great hun love them hope you are okay sweetie hugs cheryl xxxxx
They are all lovely Jude
Sandra xx
Lovely cards!!
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