Wishing all WOYWWERS

Well hope you all had fab new year and are still sticking to your new year reaolutions you may have made.I for sure have made a couple the first is to keep my craft room tidier.....than it has been last year,2nd ...to get heating and hot water....whihc may just come true today as the man himself is coming at 3pm!!!just praying he dont condem it ..lol no mustunt joke....that will be all i need after christmas.Third yes theres 3 to change my whole wardrobe im a horder of clothes as well as crsft stash!
Anyway son to my dek today yes ive actually managed to do abit of crafting.Ive made 2 cards,sat on back of desk both im sure you can see .Both Tilda's one wintery ,one a birthday card whihc needs sentiment adding.
Then on my desk i have to beautiful stamped images from the stamp i won in candyfrom Toodles and Binks just before crimbo.Coloured with copics and ready to be made into cards ect.
I dont know why but just dont enjoy doing male cards.I have picked few images to colour and then we shall have to see what my creative flair designs.
Now this is the bestest piccy this arrived yesterday in post and of course just opened it .Not realizing it's for tomorrow my big day ...lol yes 21 again tomorrow double that more like and add 4...lol.This is what my dad has sent me plus some money take a look at these craftyness package.
we have 12x12 martha stewart papers,12x12 Tim Holtz Pspers,Some beauitful gold clear buttons,6x6 paper cellar pad beautiful design called "Victorian Classic"A pack of assorted pens which are fab use them all."2lots brads one gem and other meduim earth tones.
Plus lovel;y K & C O handmade empheria pack full of lovelies.....oh just what the dr ordered Thanks dad your a star!
well if youve not entered my Birthday candy at the top of my blog posts then you have until tomorrow then i will announce the winner on Thursday.
The winner of last weeks ....WOYWW CANDY...... WINNER IS..........DRUM ROLL.....
Please email me to claim your prize by 10th jan,
Congratulations and thanks to all who entered will be doing another candy shortly for you Woywwers.
Have a fab wednesday thanks for all messages last week.Got round you all except a few i for some reason cant get itn.But will try again today.
Love n hugs
Happy *almost* Birthday to you!! :)
Lots of goodies on your desk - thanks for giving us a look.
I'm #9 on the list this week. Stop by when you get a chance for a visit.
Enjoy your goodies and have a happy birthday when it comes!
Happy New Year!
Chrissie #3
Happy (early) Birthday to you!
Wishing you all kinds of happy, including the heat and hot water back on pronto, so you can be comfortable.
*Dances very happy jig* **GOT CANDY!** Awww Jude - what a lovely surprise! I am all eggited, as my goddaughter used to say when she was little. Thank you so much! What a lovely start to the new year.
Bernie x #17
Hi Jude
lovely creative desk, luv all your birthday stash, have a good one,Wishing you a great 2011, happy WOYWW, sue,x (20)
what a huge stash there :)
love to see what is on your table today
Happy early B-day. Lots of yummy goodies on your desk. Looks like you got some work to do...lol
Thanks for the peek and sharing. Hugs, Marjo #23
Look at all those goodies. Yum!
Sheila #19
Wishing you a very happy birthday! Another Capricorn hey, wonder if your as stubborn as I am at times!!
What a great pack of goodies from your dad, you'll be having lots of fun with all that.
Have a great day,
First, happy birthday a bit early. Second, I'm glad to read I'm not the only one who can't post to a few blogs. Third, this is one serious birthday gift. Looks like your dad knows you pretty well. Happy WOYWW from #16.
Lovely cards and look at all those fantastic birthday goodies - enjoy :-)
Great start and a happy BDAY too! Here's to a great 2011~!
Gosh you're a busy bee. Hope you have a great birthday tomorrow.
A x
Birthday wishes for tomorrow, what a fab Dad, knowing to get you all that lovely stash, mine wouldn't have a clue!
Happy new year to you
Minxy #25
First of all - Happy New Year, secondly Happy Birthday for tomorrow - may you have your house restored to normal and be warm.
What a fab Dad you have, lovely gift and so thoughtful of him to send you crafty things.
Reading your blog today I was nodding all the way through your resolutions (not made any myself)- I need to keep my room tidier, and yes, I am a clothes hoarder as well. Can't throw things out "in case I fit into them again".
Ah well, see you next time and don't forget to enjoy that birthday.
(ps thanks for recognising that figgy pudding stamp)
Happy Birthday ... and what a fab busy desk.
Cathy xx
What a lovely Dad you must have to be so thoughtful! Have a wonderful birthday Fab stash there. It looks like you've already started your New Year well with all that lovely crafting.
JoZarty x who will send the man around to decorate but only after he's finished here. Ah, but is it within a day trip from Liverpool?
Happy New Year and Happy Birthday for tomorrow too - lots of lovely stash to play with there - enjoy! No. 28.
You've got a great Dad there! Fab present....have a lovely birthday :)
xoxo Sioux
Happy birthday for tomorrow. What a great dad you've got.
Birthday greetings for tomorrow - have a good one!!! And what a lovely lot of stash to play with.
All the best for your coming birthday - what a lovely gift you got from your dad! Love your busy desk!
Happy birthday - love all the new stash
thank you for sharing on WOYWW
Vicky number 43
Happy birthday to you and suspend any resolutions for a day :) you deserve it. Your dad sound like a gem - what a lot of lovely stash!
Mary Anne
Hey Jude! Happy birthday - have a great day x x Jo
Happy Birthday. I totally LOVE what's all over your desk. Can I borrow your dad??? hee hee You lucky girl. Have a wonderful day sweetie.
Hope you have a fab birthday tomorrow. Hugs Pam
Wow Jude - your birthday came early, what an array of wonderful goodies!!!
Have the best birthday tomorrow - all good wishes to you!
Thanks for already stopping by my desk today x
Sherry (82)
Enjoy your birthday. #95
Happy birthday to you tomorrow! Thanks for welcoming me into the fold of the WOYWW! I can't wait to continue to play with you guys!
Many happies for tomorrow. Love those cards on your desk and those coloured images look like they are printed, your colouring is amazing.
Linby x #109
Hiya Jude
lovey busy desk, wish mine looked more creative like this! Happy Birthday for tomoz
Joey xx
Lots of lovely stuff on the go Jude and a great birthday pressie from your dad too. Hope you get lots more crafty bits tomorrow. Lots of us Capricorns about, mines on Sunday! Hope I get crafty stuff too, lol who am I kidding I know I'm getting crafty stuff!!!! Hope the man came and fixed the boiler.
Brenda 83
So many interesting goodies on your desk.
Have a great birthday
tertia 122
Condemn!? Don't even think it! Hope you're sitting in warmth this evening! Happy happy birthday for tomorrow, your Dad sure understands his gal's needs huh!!
Some very pretty designs you have there. I agree, I don't like doing male cards either. I think we all forget that men do love flowers, my dad always did!!
Sue xx 50
Wow, your Dad deserves several big hugs for all those Happy Birthday goodies!! Your cards are so cute. #95
You are a very busy bee, there's lots happening here and some gorgeous cards by the looks of it.
Your Dad has come up trumps with such lovely goodies. Hope you have a very Happy Birthday.
Hugs Lisa (108)
Your finished cards look lovely!
I also struggle with male cards. They're such difficult creatures to create for! :lol:
Ali #90
oh hun what a great dad you have wonderful goodies,hun i have that paper stack,the vintage one,got the last one from hobby craft and just adore it ,you will have fun with that hun,hugs cheryl xxxxxxxx
happy birthday! what a lovely dad who knows exactly what to get his daughter! your coloring is wonderful! happy WOYWW new year from #1 this week (yipee!)
Happy new year! What a lovely craft parcel, no wonder you opended that up right away.
** Kate **
You are well ahead of me with two cards already made. I am still trying to find things to start with in my new room, labelling boxes etc. Well done, they are really pretty.
Happy Birthday! Lovely images on your desk...and I don't enjoy making cards for boys either. I just don't know where to start, If I can't use flowers, bows, sparkle and frills...lol! :D
Thanks for the peek!
Happy Belated birthday lovely lot of stash you have there - I seem to make lots of mens cards and as long they are funny I can do them its when I need to make a more serious one I struggle lol - Nicky 124
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