If youd like to take apeek.
Now in this piccy there's a couple of Alice in Wonderland ATC's ive made for a swap.In my Woyww stand whihc gets used every day thanks Julia is a card i am uploading today for friday sketches challenge.Next to them is a Roundie whihc is simlar concept to ATC except it's a 4"1/4 round circle.Just do what you do on an ATC basically but on a roundie more space to work with.
I have had to cover up another dt card the blue red one whihc ive hidden by the red &blue pearls on top.
So bit of a messy desk but looks creative so not too bothered been alot messier ,mind should see the floor ...lol.
Now i need your help girlies and your creative ideas .Hubby got set of flavoured syrups for crimbo box 5 actually or maybe 6 .But i just think seems a shame to through the bottles out.Yes i know im a hoarder..lol.So have you creative girlies got any ideas what i could do with them??
Please tell just they are so cute to nice just to through away.Cant wait to hear your ideas!
Here they are well 2 of them!They are minature about 5" tall...whihc is dinky to me!
I have had to cover up another dt card the blue red one whihc ive hidden by the red &blue pearls on top.
Now i need your help girlies and your creative ideas .Hubby got set of flavoured syrups for crimbo box 5 actually or maybe 6 .But i just think seems a shame to through the bottles out.Yes i know im a hoarder..lol.So have you creative girlies got any ideas what i could do with them??
Please tell just they are so cute to nice just to through away.Cant wait to hear your ideas!
Here they are well 2 of them!They are minature about 5" tall...whihc is dinky to me!

This weerk over at my sister blog we are celebrating our birthday.Now i would love you Woywwers to join in you can enter this weeks challenge or just do blog hop and add the banner on side bar .Theres over 12 Sponsored prizes so 12 winners and plenty of candy on dt blogs i have some too so go check it out here
I received these beautiful blog awards from the lovely Vikki over at A Little Inking.Her blog is amazing so go take alook!Now you have to pass it onto 5 bloggers.Well i thought id be different and give it to all the Wonderful Woywwers this morning.As all your blogs are stylish and have attitude too.So please id be honoured if youd take them and then pass them on to 5 bloggers.(You must tell 8 things about yourself that we already dont know).In appreciation of all your lovely comments and get well wishes ive received over past few weeks.

Have a fab week and will try get round you all even if it takes me a week!
love n hugs
Great busy desk, Happy WOYWW 85, thank you for sharing.
Love those SN digi images - might just have to investigate.
Bottles - have you tried doing an acetate fairy and putting her inside on some gravel or partially covering the bottle with some air dry clay (see on my blog under clay). Of course you could always colour with alcohol inks.Hope you get lots of ideas. #27
Great creative desk :))
Happy Woywwing!
Jennie #2
You are busy, wow!
I have worked with empty Starbucks frappuccino bottles because I couldn't throw them away, but they're wider at the top. I put little chocolates etc. in them and just decorated them with paper and a tiny tag and ribbon in a Christmas theme. I'm not sure whether that would work with these bottles though.
No ideas with the bottles. Sorry. Love your colouring and the images.
Oh my goodness - so much going on! The images are gorgeous! The bottles? I always revert to the kitchen. I've been wanting to make vanilla from scratch lately w/vanilla beans and vodka - these bottles look about right. Add a pretty label and voila!
Very nice indeed, and thanks so much for sharing, these digi stamps are so beautiful!
Shaz in Oz. x #25 (I think..?)
Stamps are lovely and the bottles are very cute - I keep all interesting bottles and jars and for birthdays/Christmas I refill them with tiny sweets, decorate, hang a label - problem is, everyone expects them now! :-)
Hi Jude
lovely creative desk, your colouring is awesome, oh look forward to seeing what happens with the bottles! have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (26)
Hi Jude
lovely creative desk, your colouring is awesome, oh look forward to seeing what happens with the bottles! have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (26)
Those bottles are fab! Have fun decorating them. Your desk looks so busy today, I didn't know where to start.
those Simply Adorables are popping up all over blogland :)
how about making your own bath salts for those wee bottles? then decorating them - make great wee gifts
Debbi #39
Hi Jude,
OMG those Adorables are too stinkin cute. I have been debating if I should get them or not...now I know I just gotta have some! They are gorgeous.
Good luck with the bottles, can't wait to see what you do with them. Love all the awesome workspace pics.
Thanks for the peek and sharing. Have a wonderful WOYWW.
Hugs, Marjo #10
Gorgeous images you're working on today.
A x
Sweet little images ... I am sure you will come up with a lovely idea for the bottles. Sometimes you just need to keep them and an idea will form with time.
Sandra xox #66
I really like the labels on theose bottles, I'd b tempted to keep them as they r!
Wow, what terrific colouring, those images look fabulous!
Chrissie #75
Love all the images on your desk ...wish i could colour. As for your bottles ...well as soon as I saw them I could visulise tiny clothed people ...no idea why but they could be cute ornaments in the craft room.
Looks like a lot of playing going on here! Love those little girl images! I'm thinking I may just have a couple of those digi's! Wonderful area!
Well, Postie knew it was WOYWW, as he brought me some lovely blog candy!
(This was blog candy from a previous WOYWW. The lovely and generous Jude has sent some beautiful stash, which I will really enjoy using.)
Thank you again Jude, that's made my day.
Bernie #13
Fill em with olive oil and flavour each one differently. Infuse all year and give as decorated presents. Yum!
I'm not a huge Sugar Nellie fan but this range (which I haven't seen before) is really more up my street - your colouring is really fab.
The SN images are lovely - I'm not tempted, really I'm not :( Love your busy desk. Can see you've got some great suggestions as to how you could use those bottles. Thanks for sharing. Regards, Elizabeth #78
The messier the desk the more going on - thats my excuse and i'm sticking to it!!
x Tricia (80)
Those really are adorable images and so beautifully coloured. As far as the bottles are concerned, it depends how big they are - hard to tell from the photo. Flavoured oil is one idea, or create your own bath oils for luxury, or even fill them with beads for crafting.
I am in love with those images. Can't get enough of colouring them. Your colouring is amazing.
Interesting desk.
Tertia 110
Love those Sugar Nellie images. Did I hear someone mention they were digis?
Slap my wrists and sit on my hands I mustn't buy anything else this month. Well I spose it wouldn't hurt to go check em out would it?
Must go.
Hugs Mrs A.#92
Oh super busy today, love how you've coloured the image :D
As for the bottles, if you can find thin enough candles they'd make great candle holders all decorated up :D
Thanks for visiting me
Minxy #1
Hi Jude, Lovely desk you have there. I would take the lids off the bottles, as well as that ring, and turn them into flower vases. They are very cute. Thanks for stopping by my desk. Happy WOYWW! #15
Those images look so pretty. I've not seen them before. While I am more of a weird image fan, they almost tempt me!
Mary Anne
Lots of creativity and lovely images ... I don't do digi but I know lots who do
Hiya Jude,
Firstly those little jars on my desk are a set from Ikea. Only £2 for 4 and I use them for things such as paper flowers and brads. Very handy!
Secondly, I would soak the labels off those bottles, put a band of nice patterned paper around them and use them as vases for single flower stems. I often either snap a couple by accident or find a few in the bouquet/packaging have been broken.
Bye for now!
Hi Jude, I'm a hoarder too and I have kept bottles. Mostly I make dolls out of them. Put a head and cover the body with fabric. Patsy from
Brilliant projects but not sure what to do with the bottles either! Vanilla sugar perhaps or orange sugar for cakes and biscuits is about all I cna think about!!
Brenda 100
those images are so pretty!
and i agree, those bottles are too cute to throw away. maybe use them as packaging for kitchen gifts - flavored vinegars and oils, with decorated labels.
happy WOYWW!
Those little girls are so cuteand remind me of the Sarah Kay images.
Love all the colored images you have (and the about to be colored). The shading is fabulous :D. Those are cute bottles and I don't know what you could use them for, but they are definitely too cute to throw out.
TFS! #143
What lovely images to play with and you coloring is amazing! Love the cute little bottles too...not sure of any ideas of what to do with them. Can't wait to see what you come up with though!
Thanks for the peek! :D
Interesting creative space. Gorgeous images and so beautifully coloured. Hope the heads better this week.
Love those images, like the one's that look 'real' and have all their eyes and mouths!! Great crafy space thanks for the snoop, bit late but...
Happy Woyww
Those images are lovely - sorry no ideas for the bottles but look forward to see what you do with them ~ Nicky 24
Hi Jude,
Love those images and your colouring! Am going to pop over to check them out now. As for the bottles what about storing different coloured buttons in each bottle...not too big so they won't come out of course. Or maybe some of those gems that you have to glue on. That would look pretty too!
Susan xxox #19
Love the SN images, think I will have to now go and download them myself!
Alison x
I genuinely hope that eye problem is better, but I'm sure it's an ongoing affair for awhile. Again, happy belated birthday. I was there in spirit.
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