
Wednesday, 6 July 2011

WOYWW...109 ....Wheres the Year Going

Good Morning to you all and sorry if i didnt get round all of you last week not for the want of trying blogger wouldnt let me leave message!Anyways i shall do my best this week so blogger better!

Yes were in July where has the first part of the year gone once school hols start here in uk in 2 weeks boy Crimbo will be upon us!Until then we have loads of wednesdays which means time to snoop and see what the world of crafters and artists have on their desks this week.If youve not got any idea what im rambling on about then best pop by and see the Queen of Woyww Julia's blog the Stamping Ground for all the deets and maybe even join in!
Well since last week i have managed to do a wee bit of crafting not as much as i would have liked took me 3 days to make ATC but hey hoe it's a start.Considering first time since way before Easter when my mojo was full swing.Piccy above is of my desk this week.I have 3 ATC's to do for swap this month already had 2 but had to make another .So i did using Andy Skinners Stamps "London "and Tim Holtz .My taxi i cut out stamped added glossy accents to then stuck onto ATC.The buckingham palace sign i did the same but added crackle paint.I have used one of my London charms had this packet for over ayear!Threaded twine through.
So that was my first bit of my mojo appearing mind as i say took 3 days doing little at time as mojo not fully returned.But awee bit at a time and hopefully be back to normal soon.
In the picture below is an altered match box in the making started this sometime ago and got that out also to try and finish.Coloured in poppies with sakura gel & black gloss pens.

Here is a close up of the London ATC i made sorry the light here so bad think weve had buckets of rain over night now still dull.Mind hasnt really cleared the air still hot sticky and stuffy!
Havent done any crafting past couple days as monday night i started with tooth ache....OOOOOOOOMG by yesterday morning i had grown a tennis ball to my jaw and cheek bone.Yep i have one hell of an abcess.So went down to dentist yesterday and started me on high does of Anti b's it looks like it's in my jaw bone thinks th e root of a tooth grown in there!Nothing ever so in lot pain and doezing myself up until hopefully the high does of anti b's kicks in so doubt im not gonna get much done today.Last night after being advised to put ice on.You would laughed before going to bed i put one of these cool patches that i had in house for headaches stuck that to my jaw instead of but did the trick slept on and off.Just must remember to take off as look so silly !
Anyways i do hope you all have good creative week and time on my hands and with blogger behaving fingers crossed will try and get round you today.

Close up of London ATC

Love n hugs

post signature


Hels Sheridan said...

oh hun, you are really going thru the wars at the moment... fingers X'd that nasty abcess goes away quickly... hugs!!

Neet said...

Never mind what you look like - getting relief is what it is all about. Glad you have found your mojo even if he is slow at the moment. Take care. Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet #4

peggy aplSEEDS said...

ouch, i hope you get rid of that tooth ache soon so that you can go back to enjoying your crafting! i love ATCs with little charms like the ones you've included in yours.

Simple homemade living said...

tooth ache is the worst I hope you feel better soon.

The London ATc is wonderful.

LAura 25 x

Sue said...

Hi Hun
oh i do hope you feel better soon with the antibiotics,gorgeous ATC,thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

Tuire Flemming said...

Auch, that tooth ache sounds really bad - hope you feel better soon!
Your taxi card is wonderful!
Tuire xx

Helen said...

Yikes, poor you! Your desk looks great though, and I love those poppies.

Spyder said...

yep, it's raining as I type! lovely ATC, it looks really inventive, I never know how far to go with them! oh!! The sun's come out now! Happy WOYWW!

Annie said...

Oh bless you. Really hope the antibs work really quickly and you get the problem sorted out.
A x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ah dear Jude have had two abscesses one in front tooth it was the worst and one in the back tooth so know how horrid they can be! I hope you are on the mend soon and really love those poppies- they look great! thanks for sharing Shaz in oz.x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I really like your London layout, the background, cab, ticket - it all works together really well!! Hope you feel better very soon xx

okienurse said...

I would gladly exchange dry heat for some of your cool wet weather! Love the ATC! I think it is awesome your Mojo is back. Vickie #43

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Gorgeous ATC! Hope you're feeling painless soon. :) Happy WOYWW!

Neil said...

Ouch, I feel for you having been through similar! Hope all gets better soon. Your ATC is looking fab!

Cathy said...

Ouch, feel better soon. love your ATCmakes and desk.
Happy WOYWW,
Cathy xx

donnalouiserodgers said...

Oh Jude,

hope that infection gets sorted soon,

fab ATC,

take good care,


Cardarian said...

Oh so sorry about your tooth ache - I hope those antibiotics kick in soon! Your ATC is wondrful, must start making those!
Lots of hugs,

Tammy said...

Get well soon,
ATC looks fab

April said...

Hope you feel better soon!! The london ATC is great I really like the style! Thanks for sharing.

Lulabelle said...

Oh I feel for you, I hate the dentist!
Great ATC!

Lisa-Jane said...

Ouch! Sorry to hear about the toothache. That ATC looks great, I love the background stamp.

Di said...

Hope you feel better soon chick! And how strange, I've got a poppy image on my desk right now to colour in.....err, but some ironing is leering at me from the laundry basket :( Di xx

fairyrocks said...

OUCH!! I know what that is, had a similar experience this past winter....many many $$$$$ and dental visits later it is all good.
Take care of you. and Thank goodness for the antibiotics!!

Elizabeth said...

Hello Jude, thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. Yep, seems we are keeping the dental industry floating this week. I'm having to get a root canal job done on mine ... sigh ... but in the meantime the pain has gone, phew! Love the poppy image - it drew my eye immediately - and your ATC is great. Take care and have a good week, lack of mojo notwithstanding :) Elizabeth x #72

Sarah said...

Eeeeek! That is major pain...hope the ABs kick in soon. I luuuuurve the ATC with the taxi - Yeah - lovely British icon.
Thanks for sharing, enjoy the desk hop.
Sarah at 2

Franka Benjaminsen said...

Hope your mojo comes back and that you feel much better soon. Pain distubs your mojo. But your ATC looks great. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Bye, Franka

Michellee said...

Love the ATC and your desk.. Looks like a lot of CREATive-ness happens here. Thanks for sharing!!

Vicky said...

I love your London ATC. Hope the anti biotics do the trick and you're feeling better soon. :)x

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Lovely ATC:) Hope those antib's do the trick.

Angie said...

I hope you are feeling better with the antibiotics. Schools have already broken up, up here in Scotland, and are back the middle of August. I really do not know what is happening to time ...half a year gone and we are now closer to next Xmas than last. Love that ATC btw.xx

Hettie said...

Oh!! Poor Jude!! You never have it easy do you poor love!! Hugs coming your way - hope you catch them!!
You and I must be on similar wavelengths taking about the C word looming up!!!

Kathleen said...

Fabulous ATC and glad to hear your mojo is in full swing. Thank you for sharing and stopping by.
Kathleen x

nerllybird said...

Your ATC looks lovely, and so many interesting things on your desk! So sorry to hear about your toothache, it's soooo horrible. Hope it starts getting better soon.
Helen S

famfa said...

Poor you. Toothache is the worst! Hope you're feeling better soon and creating even sooner.

DottyA Cards & Things said...

Wow! with all that and you can still tpype... You got grit girl...! Hope your feeling better soon... good Luck!!!!

Morti said...

Oooh no!!! Toothaches and pains in that area of the head the the worst cos you can't escape them. If your leg hurts, you can do stuff to take your mind off it but pain in the head or face...eek...

Sending you comforting thoughts...

Thanks for stopping by!

akilli melek said...

Jude hope you feel better soon. Love the london ATC, and the poppies are lovely too
thanks for popping by earlier

Twiglet said...

Just when you were getting crafty again something else comes along to slow you up! Hope its much better today. x Jo

Julia Dunnit said...

Cor Jude, no wonder you haven't been doing much at your desk! Love the ATC..London stamps are great. Hope the anti bios work really fast - as it's now Friday I hope you're feeling tons better. I've emailed you a couple times about the PiF, and with my address whenyou first asked..the email address with your hubbie's name in it - is that the wrong one to use?!

lisa said...

Oh poor you, tooth ache is horrible. I hope it's feeling better now.
Your ATC is gorgeous, I love the map background.
Sorry to be so late getting round this week, time just flies by doesn't it.
Hugs Lisax