By the time you read this it will be wednesday.As im uploading Tuesday eve as i will be at the Drs tomorrow with my Daughter who has been poorly with Tonsilitis ,chest infection which has brought her asthma on .Oh how i hate the cold miserable weather.Anyways one way to get out and about is to travel the world with our weekely ritual of woyww where we all get to peek at all the lovely crafty desks.See what peeps have been upto this week.So if you want to find out more pop by the Boss
Ms Dunnit's blog HereWell i can't believe how fast time is going and we are nearly there yes 1 more day until Tim's 12 tags are you ready?Well i thought today after finishing a tag Which you can see
Here,I would cut my tags and some die cuts at the ready .So thats whats on my desk this week.Along with the beautiful tag i received from Hels which i won from the Artistic stamper Blog.It is absolutely stunning thanks Hels even more so in the flesh,and just to say over the moon with your good news can't wait to see you on the 6th!!Congrats girl you so deserve it!

So are you all getting into the festive season?We sure are or the girlies are anyway.Yes we are going up to Elveden Forest on Sunday to pick our tree and get the huge new foundland dogs to bring it back to the car.They do this every year for charity they have wee cart and pull the cart and tree to your car .I will get some piccies and post next week to show you.Ive just got 3 prezzies to go,& the rest bought wrapped and ready for delivery.Hidden away,now i just have to write my crimbo cards thats chore in it self you spend time making them then you have to write em...lol.Mind i did nearly faint when i went to post office to buy stamps .Some of my cards due to content on the front will go Large letter boy is that not cheap .So next year might just be plain simple,less is more so to speak!
Here's some more rossettes in the making couple flowers already done.

Now before i go please if youve not entered my candy you still have time it ends next wednesday 6th Dec so please check it out
Here.Please add yourself to Mr Linky and leave me a comment.Thats it apart from popping back here next wednesday to see if youve won!Well ive been naughty and spending just alittle.I treated myself this week to the lovely Tim Holtz Trinket case .So excited when it arrived the next day that im still filling it.But was disappointed that i couldnt fit the wee bird cages into it.They are too high even on bottom shelf.Apart from that it holds loads and so neat.but still have loads left over so will still keep my wee chest i made.See charms ,trinkets are my downfall !Just now leaving big hints for the bigger case to hold my stains and D/inks.....im hoping ..lol.Well i shall clear up my desk before retiring to bed....
Anyways i shall pop round to see you all again this week when i return from the trip to drs.Have fab wednesday and well see you all at Tim's blog for the 12 tags of christmas can't wait how many sleeps..lol worse than the kids and santa!
Love n hugs

blimey hun, you are organised!! glad you like the tag too...bless you for your lovely comment x
fantastic preparing!
I wish I had the same amount of stuff at me))
Will definitely have to pop back regularly to see your take on Timmy's tags :)
Have a spectacular WOYWW!
Bubbles aka Sheleen at
Ohhh nealry time to start tag making ... you are being very organised!!! Love those rosette flowers too, is it just me that finds them really fiddly!!!
Cathy #10
Hope all is well and that everyone is feeling well soon. You figured me out. Points for you! Have a great week Jude. Wishing you and yours the best...
Lovely organised desk there! I too have all my presents ready but not yet wrapped and I have preplanned and gone with simple cards for posting - in fact all of my cards are simple so far and I might only manage to pimp up the ones that I hand deliver now! Hope you get on ok at the doctors. Thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl – No 4
I don't think I made it to your desk last week. For that I'm sorry. You have a wonderfully organized desk this week. And thanks for the heads up on Tim's tags. Happy WOYWW from # 7.
Gosh, is that big bag of stuff just for making tags? LOL Love the cards.. agree about the postage though.. what a bummer!! Annette #8
You do look organised!!!loads of things for cards and tags, the trinket case sounds fab, good luck with the hints for the other one!!happy woyww trace x20
loving your crafty snoops today...I'm all set for Timmie's tags too...hope your DD feels better soon..hugs kath xxx (33)Happy WOYWW
ooh you are prepared! I will just wait till tomorrow..LOL
Glad you liked Hels's Tag.. comgrats on winning
Happy woywwing
Jennie #11
Yes, I'm waiting for 12 tags too - really hope I get time to play along daily...
Love your desk, you are very organised. Well done on your tag win.
Wow you are organised. I can't buy all my presents too early or I get way to excited in the last week or 2 and end up doubling my budget. This year a lot are made or very small gifts to do lucky balls with.
You have lots of treasures here!I hope your little one feels better quickly!
Your daughter's got the triple whammy there, poor thing. Hope she gets better very soon.
I love the sound of the dogs pulling the Chrimbo tree back to your car, look forward to seeing the pics :)
Hugs, LLJ #40 xx
Hi there and thanks for the peek into your creative zone. It looks like there is loads going on so thanks for sharing. Hope you have a brilliant week and have plenty of creative time! I was thinking about doing die cuts ready too but not got round to it yet though. Looking forward to seeing your dog pulling tree photos and I hope your daughter feels better soon.
Neil #24
So much fab craftiness on your desk today....have fun with Tim's tags :-)
A x
Great desk, I will be there waiting for Tims first tag too!
Thanks for sharing!
Hi there Jude sounds like it is full on pace over there as well - where does those seconds minutes hours and days go? Happy Tim tagging and sorry to hear DD is not well pray she is soon, and yep will be back for that candy next week all being well, blessings and happy WOYWW! Shaz in oz.x #31
Gosh Jude you have been a busy bee. And so organised all your pressies wrapped?? I still haven't got my paper I want plain silver or white and can't find it. I'm hoping Paperchase can oblige when I go to Manchester on Saturday!! Hope your little girl is ok, tonsilitis is a pain in the ***, I didn't get mine out til I was 15 but it certainly made a difference. Thanks for sharing x
Wow Jude, you have been busy - work that die-cutter girl. Wish I was so organised but as I don't have a lot of dies I'm hoping to join in the tags with an alternative approach.
Look forward to December 1st and seeing what you do.
Ann B
Great desk, Jude... you are so prepared and so creative. Hey, thanks for all your lovely supportive comments recently
Sorry to hear your daughter has been so poorly. It's bad enough getting the awful flu bug that's going round, without having it on top of asthma... Hope she's well on the mend soon! Love your busy desk. The rosettes are smashing, and I absolutely adore the finished one on the Christmas card, with the gorgeous bronzy colour and the metal centre. I haven't made rosettes yet, but keen to give it a try!! Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #62
Hope your daughter is better soon! all those pretty little die cuts.... can't wait to see them come together! the tag you received is lovely! Looking forward to seeing the photos of the little doggies bringing your xmas tree! How cute! Must be so lovely! x
Have fun with the Tim tags!!
Thanks for sharing ;-)
Hugs Marleen #14
Oh Gosh you are in full swing Girl!!! No time left for me... I've got to have everything done by this weekend or it's just not going to happen...
Enjoy the family it's the most important part anyway...
Thanks for giving us a peek today!
Yay! Welcome to the "I've-won-a-Hels-Tag" club! She does create some fabby work, doesn't she?
Lovely stash on your desk, and now I've worked out how the rosettes are made, I may have a go on my tod as I'm too tight to buy the die! LOL
Thanks for stopping by! Morti #19
Boy your post is full of energy, send it my way, I'm like in slow mo
Lots of pretties made ahead and 12 Tags..Can't wait Enjoy Woyww and the big event.
Hope all are soon well. I agree about postage. I posted a small parcel and bought 32 stamps - £21.44!!!!!!!! Good job Christmas only comes once a year - lol. x Jo #42
Hope all are soon well. I agree about postage. I posted a small parcel and bought 32 stamps - £21.44!!!!!!!! Good job Christmas only comes once a year - lol. x Jo #42
Beautiful rosettes, and I love that sparkly paper! Thanks for sharing. #108
Can't wait for tomorrow to see the first tag by Tim this year!! Love this time of the year!!
Thanks so much for your visit and kind comments. I will post the recipe either tonight or tomorrow morning. Be warned, it is very sticky and rich - a very small piece is enough at a time for me. I wish I was as organised as you are for Christmas. The cards are such a long winded job to finish off and send, in between all the other preps. I need to put all mine through the Pricing in Proportion Ruler to make sure I cut the postage down a bit. I love those rosettes, though perhaps they need to be on hand delivered cards. Maggie C #59
Hello Jude, sorry your daughter isn't so well, hope the doc gives her something to help. I'm looking forward to seeing your 12 TH inspired tags though won't be joining in, too much to do now. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #111
Popped back again, coz I couldn't see all your pictures before, fab desk, now, are you sure you don't want to swap crafty spaces?? that visiting cat is here again...wants to learn all about blogging!
have fun with your tags!
(Happy woyw)
it would be strange if his owner saw him! "Hey that's my cat, you catnapper!"
Attempted to post last night but blogger wasn't cooperating with me! I am ready for the the 12 Tags of Christmas to start also. Counting down now...5 more hours to go. Hope you have a great week. Thanks for sharing your awesome desk! Vickie #68
Hi Jude, me again. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. I'm feeling tons better today - still coughing a bit and about 75% of voice back!! I've actually been in my ARTHaven today, creating and trying to catch up! No accounting for M.E., is there. Mine is allowing me a reasonable day today, despite having had a virus. sorry to hear you've had a rough few days.
Congrats on winning the Craft Barn Candy! Looks like you will have loads of stuff for using with your tags! Vickie
Omg ...thankyou for all the lovely comments and messages and congratulations on my win at the craftbarn .Never won anything then won Karens and on sunday won Brenda's candy now craftbarn...omg i can't still beleive Santa's come early...lol
thanks girls so much for allemails messgaes
love n hugs judex
You certainly are very well organised and prepared. Have fun with the 12 tags !
Hi there I'm a bit late I know. Sorry to hear about your daughter, poor thing hope she will soon be better. I can't wait to see pics of dogs pulling tree to your car. Hmmm I've had to make simpler cards for posting was spending way too much on postage. The tag is fab. Anne x
Hi Hun - thanks for the info on your dad, glad he is on the road to recovery and that you are spending time with him over Christmas. What a lovely daughter you are.
Am looking forward to seeing the "tree" photos - that sounds wonderful and what a treat to see those dogs.
You are certainly busy and thanks for the reminder about Tims Tags. Look forward to seeing all of yours. Hugs, Neet xx
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