Welcome to the first Woyww of 2012.Here's Wishing You all a Very Happy,Healthy,Creative New Year.Now first woyww of 2012 how exciting wonder what this year has in store for us?and wether it will go as fast as 2011...Who knows ehat i do know it's the Wednesday ritual of traveling around the world to visit other crafters alike see what theyve been upto.So if you would like to join in with this fun wednesday addiction pop over to the Boss and take part.Before i show you what's going on in my workspace just quick reminder if you havent entered my Candy be quick only 3 days left so check it out Here.Yes thats when i turn 21 again!oh my another grey hair..lol.Hopefully it will be a nice day all bestest peeps born in jan im day before Sir Tim Holtz hows that....lol
Anyways enough of birthdays and age we havent got off to great start this year already.My eldest fell ill last wedensday and well had emergency dr in New years day as she just couldnt keep anything in some bug or food poidoning unsure which but no vomiting and i re member when i had salmonella boy did i throw up!He wasnt much help except told her she had bug gave dyoralite well im sure most of you know the taste is ransid.Then the biggie starve for another 4 days .poor girl nothing on her anyway.Today wasnt happy with her so took to see our dr tonight explained everything .Well shes dehyrated whichwe new of course .Now she has servere pain round her back and left side whihc today been told the infection she has had has now travelled to her kidneys due to dehydration.So apart from being in pain ,on the toilet,not eating poor things has had fab new year!At one point my youngest daughter went in to living room to see her sister then i heard almightly scream .Ran in and sophie was laid on settee my youngest chloe thoought she was dead so pinched her when she had no reaction started slapping her face!!!poor thing but she does look ghastly but we did laugh about it after ,at least she cared as usually at each others throat!So thats my start to new year apart from that we are fine...lol
Now my desk well yes bit state this is whats on the center of my crafting a tesco gravy grannules pot im just starting to alter .As my mojo seemed to joi Hels and go on it's hols for while.But hoping it is back now to stay.
Have fab wednesday and like me i hope your glad to be back to normality!well as normal as we can be for another year or should i say 11 months!
So better get started on those Christms cards and gifts for next year wont be long...lol
Love n hugs

Oh my. Your poor kiddo. I hope she's well real soon. Your gift looks really nice.
Your birthday is getting close!!! Ahh, to be 21 again....
Advanced Birthday Wishes Jude - hope it is less eventful than the New year was for you. Am hoping that your eldest is feeling much better now and is on the road to recovery. What a worry.
Good luck with the gravy project! - Hugs, Neet #1
I hope you DD improves, such a worry when they are ill. Nice to see that the pinch was of the caring variety.
Oooh poor DD, hope she improves. I had the dreaded bug a few days before Christmas and felt awful... all those lovely Christmas treats were wasted on me!! I will be back to see how the gravy tub turns out, i love playing with them!!
Hope your Daughter is better soon - sounds horrid, poor thing! Love the make - very beautiful! Glad the mojo hasn't followed Hels afterall! Happy new year x
Lots of birthday cheer this week! Have a good one. And your poor DD - not fun to be ill at Christmas! I was laid up with a bad back, and it was just horrible missing out. Love the giftie and have a great Woyww
Mary Anne
Oh my, that sounds very scary! I hate when kids are sick. Scares the heck out of me.
Hope the little one is back up and running at full speed soon.
Lots of altering going to happen in your new year.
Poor girl I he she is much much better soon and you can start to ease of the worry pedal!!so hard they are so poorly! Happy new year, and he whne this is done it is a happy one!have a great birthday, my sons on saturady along with Sir Tim, happy woyww hugs trace x
Lovely altering job.
Hope little one is a ok soon.
Sorry you've had such a bad start to the new year, hope your daughter is better soon. Happy WOYWW - and yes, 2012 will fly by...!!
all the best for yr daughter, hope she is feeling better soon!
And lovely project!
Let's hope that's all the illness out of the way for a while... hope she's back on her feet really soon.
Happy New Year!
Hugs, LLJ #34 xx
happy new yearjude...thanks for the first crafty snoop of the year..sending get well wishes to your DD and wishing you a happy 2012...hugs kath (29) xxx
Your poor daughter. It sounds a really nasty bug what ever it is. I really hope she starts to feel a lot better very soon. Sending her lots of healing hugs.
Happy 2012 to you all. Hope you have many many happy creative hours in the year ahead.
A x
Oh dear; I do hope your daughter feels better soon and her year improves! Interesting stuff on your desk this week. I hope that 2012 is a good year for you and yours!
Neil #49(ish)
I guess that is one of the advantages of not going anywhere or doing much over the festive period, avoiding all the bugs doing the round robin. Hope the rest of you stay well. At least 2012 can go up from this point!
oh hun,oh such an awful start to the new year,send her my love hun,please really hope she feels better soon,love your altered pot hun brilliant,happy new year sweetie take care Hugs Cherylxxxxx
Bless you, your poor daughter, I do hope she is on the mend x x I love the gravy pot WOW it's fantastic x x xHugs May x x x x
Hello Jude, your poor wee girl - I hope she's on the mend now. I got dehydrated whilst on holiday in Malta and ended up with a kidney infection - not nice at all! Looks as though you're going to be altering lots of items over the next few weeks - look forward to seeing the results. Love the jar from your friend - such a nice personal pressie. Thanks for your comment today - will be interested to see if your paper is the same as mine too. Take care and hope the little one recovers soon. Elizabeth x #60
Oh bless her - what a nasty bug to get at any time. Hope she is improving now. Best wishes for a happy, healthy and very creative 2012. x Jo
Sorry to hear you have all had a rough time, especially your daughter, and hope she is soon back to full health. Illness always seems worse over the holidays, think it is because you worry about the person, then worry just in case you cannot get hold of the health professionals if you need them. Hope your birthday is the best ever.
Ann B
PS Thanks for dropping by at mine and for your comments about my sister. I said exactly the same thing to her (about taking more water with it) when I found out about her fall.
Oh dear, your daughter's illness sounds very alarming, and horrible for her, hope she feels better soon. Interested to see what you're going to do with that gravy tub, as I keep saving them and then chucking them, lol!
Helen S
Your poor daughter, Jude. I hope she is beginning to feel a little better and in now less dehydrated, and tha her sister has recovered from her major fright. It is amazing how two siblings who apparently hate each other, cling together in times of trouble. Hope the rest of your year gets much, much better. xx Maggie #73
I hope your daughter gets better soon, she sounds ever so poorly. I see a bit of altering going on there! I alter tins, always been worried about gravy tubs, how do you get rid of the beefy smell???!!
Cathy xx
Sorry to hear about DD Jude but I did laugh at younger daughters reaction! Happy birthday for Friday, there's a lot of us in January, I remember that from last year. Annette is today (Voodoo Vixen) and I'm Monday... as as you say, sandwiched in between you and me is My Holtz, lol!! Pretty jar from your friend and hope your own altering is going ok.
Brenda 76
Sorry to hear you have had a bad start to the year and I hope your DD is back on the mend.
Lovely pot there.
Happy New Year.
Sending get well wishes for your daughter - sounds sooo painful. I also love the pot - and am curious as to how you store your unmounted stampies :) Happy WOYWW Jude! Di xx
Happy New Year! Hope your daughter is better soon. Looking forward to seeing how the gravy tub turns out. April #82 x
Love your 2012 header.
Your poor daughter ...a new year to remember ...shame about the first doc....glad it was all resolved and she is on the mend ....had to laugh at your younger daughters antics though. xx
I hope your daughter will feel better soon! Poor little girl :(
The altered tin you received is lovely and I am interested to see what you will do with yours! And also how you will alter a ribbon spool!
Thanks for visiting me earlier!
xoxo Karen
And Happy Birthday!!!!!
xoxo Karen
Aw you poor girl - you can get flavoured Diarolyte now, I get the blackcurrant one and then make it up with blackcurrant squash...certaily helps. HOpe she's feeling a whole lot better by now. Amazed you found time to blog, let alone think about altering! What's so good about the scor pal tape then?!
Only you could mention the C word in January Jude and get away with it, Lol!
But I already have a head start on this Christmas because of the cards I made last year and didn’t send in the end…about 30 in all.
Lucky you, to have been given such a beautiful altered jar. Photos never do that short of thing justice but you can see how much work has gone into altering it, it’s so pretty.
Hope your eldest is on the mend now.
Happy Crafting !
And a Happy New Year.
poorly girl maybe you could alter a bucket so at least she throws up into a handcrafted beautiful bucket.......maybe not. HAPPY NEW YEAR. Happy crafting Sharne X (fresh as a daisy)
So many people seem to have had this bug lately, and if its gone to her kidneys, that is SO painful, poor girl.Good remedy for any type of tummy bug is iced water- truly, it works wonders. The bug can't survive at low temperatures, so if you get it cold enough, it can't breed either, and you get rid of it faster.
Hope she's feeling better now, Shaz x
I hope your daughter is feeling better soon, it sounds nasty.
Great pics of your desk - can't wait to see how those things turn out!
Happy woyww!
Sorry to hear about your little one - hope she is recovering well now. Lovely to have a peep at your altering (Hazel, WOYWW 108) x
lots of luvverly creative stuff piled up!! my kind of desk!
Sorry that your daughter is so sick. Great story about her sister checking up on her though. Looks like you have some creative projects lined up.
Oh no, that just sounds terrible about your daughter, I hope she is feeling better! I can't wait to see how you alter the box and ribbon spool!
Best wishes to your daughter, hope she starts to feel better soon.
Jumbleberries xx
Oh your poor daughter hope she is eeling much better. Thanks for sharing your desk the altered gravy granules box looks great. Happy New Year. Anne x
What a nighmare way to start 2012 and I truly hope it all gets better SOON! Love your New Year header and your gravy pot.
Love joZarty x
Lovely altered project! Sending your daughter speedy recovery wishes and you early Birthday Wishes! Happy WOYWW #5 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33
I hope your poor little daughter gets better really soon, nothing worse than a sick child.
Have a great birthday, I enjoyed my "21 again" better than the first 21!
Von #18
Oh Jude sorry to hear your daughter has been so poorly, but a very happy new year to you all - and as healthy a one as possible M.E.-wise! Hope you enjoyed Sheba's Coming Out Party. Since then she's been more or less idle on my table because I've been on the settee only able to do computer stuff - just in the process of uploading a video so watch my blog! (A rather exciting project I did last year lol!)
Happy WOYWW,
I absolutely know this is not funny, but I had to laugh at the one daughter pinching the other. Such sisterly love! I hope she has recovered as I write this!
tried emailing you but no luck.... spray Gesso only in States.... or Amazon at 20 pounds....$20 in Bermuda where I got it and 12$ in States. I can't find anywhere else in UK very sad. have good day xx
What a start to the New Year, your poor daughter. I hope she makes a speedy recovery now and your year gets much better.
Love your altered tin, everyone seems very industrious and creative this week.
Hugs Lisax #112
That's the best gravy tub I've ever seen. Hope your eldest is better now.
Hugs Joanne xx
Hi there Jude, just popping back today to wish you a VERY happy birthday, I hope you have a fantastic day and that the rest of the year goes brilliantly too!
Hi Jude,
Oh dear that wasn't a good start to the new year. Hope she has recovered and back to fighting form again! I was hospitalized too before the new year and oh I prayed I would be back home to celeb rate with family. I thank God my doctors came to release me from the hospital the day before the start of the new year! Hope your mojo gets back soon! It's taking a longer holiday than you! A wonderfully blessed new year to you and your family! Patsy from
A very blessed and joyful birthday to you, Jude! I hope by now your daughter is getting well. hugs! peggy
Hi there Jude, thanks so much for popping over, and for sharing. So sad to hear o the doing of the new year for the younger generation of your family - hope she is over it - am struggling with another tooth infection and so hope the antibiotics work and really stop this one without needing more. I pray your wee one is bouncing back to full energy levels soon, have fun altering too. Happy WOYWW! Love, Shaz in Oz. x #24
Not a good start to the year at all! I do hope that DD1 is feeling a lot better now?
Hope you had a good birthday despite the stresses and strains you're under...
thanks for stopping by!
Not a good start to the year at all! I do hope that DD1 is feeling a lot better now?
Hope you had a good birthday despite the stresses and strains you're under...
thanks for stopping by!
Late visiting - hope your DD is feeling well - and that you had a great birthday - Happy Belated Birthday Wishes hope it was filled with craft goodies
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