in a minute but received through post yesterday
Above is my desk to the right yes pushy pushy to the right ...yeah old song lots been dumped there .Half finished altered boox,ATC's for Kay new stamps and also found some new board letters where looking for wooden scrabble letters but can't find .So if anyone knows where to get them please shout .Im mean time have to use these.

Above is the card i received of Shaz in oz thanking me for her beautiful candy she won .My pleaseure hunni and next week have another bundle Timmie bits for those of you who like abit of candy.Anyway will try get round you all over next couple days if not today.Sophie not good still has been to see dr 4 times since friday.This infection just wont shift for love nor money.She is now being home tutored 2 afternoons aweek which isnt much but bettewr than nthing as she has exams coming up.

Above is the card i received of Shaz in oz thanking me for her beautiful candy she won .My pleaseure hunni and next week have another bundle Timmie bits for those of you who like abit of candy.Anyway will try get round you all over next couple days if not today.Sophie not good still has been to see dr 4 times since friday.This infection just wont shift for love nor money.She is now being home tutored 2 afternoons aweek which isnt much but bettewr than nthing as she has exams coming up.
Hope your all ok and crafting ,or buying !

Loved your tag, poor you..wish I could help ! Ia have a few scrabble style letters, what letters do you need and I can have a look?! Email if you like have a great day! Hugs trace x
...there's nothing worse than computer problems for driving you nuts, glad it got sorted for you...your take on Tim's Tag is absolutely gorgeous, loVe his crown...thanks for sharing...Mel :)
No post yet from Julia so I haven't got a number but I'm trying to get round a few desks before breakfast.
Sorry to hear there is no progress with the anti-biotics, surely they can zap the bugs with something a bit stronger, must be maddening for both of you.
Desk looking good Jude, love the wooden letters.
Ann B
Hi Jude,
I'm so sorry to hear Sophie isn't much better. I was really hoping for big improvements by now.
A x #19
Poor Sophie, it is awful that you are not able to get to the bottom of this mystery. Give her a love from me.
Great desk, and a lovely card from Shaz.
Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet #1 xx
good mail! hope blogger plays nicely for you... Helen 10
good mail! hope blogger plays nicely for you... Helen 10
Drives me mad when the computer plays up, glad things are sorted. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous artwork
Sophie x
amazing work
Thank you for the glimpse of your work this week on WOYWW x
Gorgeous work and a fabby, creative desk :) I agree, does it not just make you so frustrated when the PC plays up! Hopefully it is all sorted now :)
Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen #11
It all looks lovely to me! Hope your daughter is feeling better soon. Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl No. 5
Computers can be such a pain can't they. We can't live without them and only realise it when they go on the blink!!
Looks like you have lots of interesting things happening on your desk there.
Hugs Lisax #69
Hate to say it but after 9 weeks and 3 course of antibiotics DH and I are still suffering - but we think it is on its last legs now - fingers crossed! Thanks for sharing on WOYWW from Anne #30
Lovely post. Those board letters look great, did you get them online? Welcome back to WOYWW! #40
Fab makes, hope blogger lets you get round the world to snoop! Take care & enjoy this weeks WOYWW snoop. Zo xx 17
Lovely work - hope you sort the pc soon!
I'm so glad that the apron brought a smile to her face - she's one mad keen baker :) It's rotten luck being so poorly and not shifting it - I was hoping the warmer weather would have helped. Fingers crossed, eh?
Hugs, LLJ #7 xx
Not sure where to get scrabble tiles, but the letters you found look pretty neat. Dani #104
I remembered buying some tiles like Scrabble ones years ago, but don't know where I got them. Lots of interest in your workspace today - thanks for sharing - Hazel, WOYWW #85 x
Not sure if its any help Jude but i have some old SeeDs scrabble style stamps that i got at The Range a while back, maybe if you have a ring around? good luck and thanks for sharing your desk space
Lisa #113
Hi Jude,
Firstly, I hope your poor daughter gets to feeling better. Bless her little heart.
I have one Scrabble game that I bought at a thrift shop (just for the letters). I paid a quarter for the game. Also, have you looked on ebay?
#123 (yep, triple digits)
Hello Jude, sorry to read you've been having problems with your computer ... IT is just fine until it let's you down and then it's misery. It does sound as though you have been uber busy though, maybe no computer means plenty time to craft. I hope your daughter is recovering well now. Happy WOYWW and I hope you have a lovely week. Elizabeth x #27
Your pieces look wonderful! Hope your computer keeps playing fair, I hate it when they play up....
Have a great week and enjoy this special WOYWW!
gorgeous tag and lovely bits and pieces! love the card you received too! hope Sophie improves soon!
Happy WOYWW, Debxx
I hope your daughter is doing ok.... Computers are great when they are working!!!!! love your tag, fab.... and the card is simply gorgeous.. Hugs May x x x
Love your neat & tidy workspace jude. That tag looks beautiful too. Hugs Rita xxx 55
Love your creations hun :D
Ger x
Jude great desk and your tag looks fab, thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW, Erika.
They are nice letters Jude, try it...sometimes when you've set your heart on a style nothing else will do, I get that, but it's worth a try first huh...if only to use up some stash!! Love the desk shots today, so much to rummage in!
great looking desk. I wondered where you had gotten off to and if you were feeling ok. I have been well but overly tired and I think it has to do with the weather changes. Have a great week. Vickie #32
Great looking desk with lots of stuff to drool over. Hope Suzie is back on her feet real soon.
I had some letters in my hand over the weekend, but had to out them down as I needed GLUE (boring!) Love the card lower down. Have a great crafty week! HaPpY (late) wOyWw!!
((Lyn)) #56
Home schooling for a little while may do her the power of good anyway - all that one to one beats school any day. LOVE that gecko card.Happy WOYWW #45
Sounds like a busy time my friend. Hope things are going smoother by now.
sending big hugs
June x
Sometimes uploading can be difficult because of the size of the image, I do hope it improves this week for you and by the way love your tag.
Eliza #103
I didn't join WOYWW 150, but came to see why I hadn't seen your name for awhile. I'm sorry to read about your daughter's continued illness. I hope they finally figure something out, because you definitely need and deserve a break.
I've really missed you, too. Are you still having Blogger problems? I hope not. I came looking for you because I MAY have gotten the gift you sent me. Since my e-mail is not working properly, I hope you don't mind that I sent this to your blog.
This afternoon I received an envelope from USPS (US postal service) that explained the package there were sending me had been damaged in shipment. Per the letter I got in the envelope, every precaution had been taken, etc., etc. All the letter could tell me was it came from the UK. I immediately thought of you and the lost gift.
I'm not sure if this is what you sent or not, BUT it is a HEAVY silver rocking horse, that could double as a Christmas ornament, especially since it has a bright red ribbon attached. Could it possibly be the lost gift you sent me? If so, please let me know on my blog, because I am going to show it on Tuesday night (my time) on my next WOYWW and I'm hoping to hear from you before then so I can give you credit if it is the lost rocking horse. And if it is, I want to thank you in advance for this beautiful addition to my collection. It is totally different from any of the others I have.
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