Hellooo again ,
I have to apologise i havent been on at the moment these past couple weeks have been stressfull.Monday i had to go to drs for check as ive had Pneumonia anyway another course of anti-biotics and and steriods and had to return friday.On wednesdayi had afall down 5 stairs 6am in the morning hit my ribs on rt side where i have pneumonia and hurt my back again!!!anyway got my youngest up for school as thats what i was doing before i fell.anyway she went off at 7.25 as she has to walk a way to catch her school bus.Then the phone call ebery parents nightmare she rang in a sate to say shed just nearly been abducted .so i rang police straight away they were there ,!What happened police think hes been watching her walk to the bus knows the way she goes as he blocked her path near village school no cars can go that way she never thought anything of it just walked round the car past the school basck on main road this only 10 mins from the house .He kerb crawled her for 4 mins before stopping the car asking get in i give you lift she said no carried on walking abit faster.anyway he did it agaain this tim opened window asked he get in i know where your walikng to to get your bus with that she told him to F....O.... and got her phone out to ring me with that he speed off .i rang police who were here in seconds .she very shaken got good description in mean time i and eldest daughter out out desrcriotion of the man and what happened on face book.
cut long story short she is shaken up badly we all are just alucky escape.the police came back round wedensday evening to see how her welbeing was and to talk .Thats when they told her they think hes been watching her for while in his50's grey /brown hair shoulder length but he was wearing a red bandana on his head with white pattern unshaven ,gave description of car.Police said next time if it happens dont call mum ring 999 but take piccie or text reg number to mum.they think whenshe got her phone out she went to call police .Here;s the best bit after putting it on Facebook one of he wemy eldest friends walks to station and had seen this shifty guy hanging around opposite where youngest gets the bus ,he didnt see message until on train !said it was 8.05 well thats time she gets the bus but she wasnt there !So all been creepy and we now have had to change plans she gets a lift into her friends by my friend at 7 oclock as she goes to work then and gets on same bus but different stop other side of town.The police are really been good and have been in unmarked cars in fear of frightening him off.
Then wednesday eve get call to say mum's not good and failing
fast she has an immunie system her blood and clotting basically her blood isnt clotting shes coming out in blisters they filling up with blood then just burst ,so nurses going in daily to do dressings,and she goes back to see consultant and get results in 10days .So wednesday was bad thats why im so late with WOYWW over at Julia;s WOYWW 91
Friday i went back for check up on my Pneumonia and told him about my fall and everything told him im stressed if i was a car youd trade me in ..lol anyway then got serious part examined me told me that i have this diagnosis well by tme i got home couldnt remember what it was called alli heard him say was call999.So i rang gp and receptionist was girl who was in room when dr examined me .well im not going into it this is what it is called :CAUDA-EQUINA never heard of it but i have slipped disc which i have lost control over bladder a s hitting pressing on a nerve to cause that,if i get any numbness or pinsneedles in left thigh i have to call 999 or get to hospital as if disc moves can be fatal.Cause hubby googles it firghtened crap out them all!and me!
On the bright side not so stressful my eldest daughter has been put through from her model agency to a modeling comp and needs to be voted .she is at present at the top .I will give the link so you can see her souch proud mummy to be honest took our minds off everything else that has occurred.Now if you would like to vote it is by text cost minimal but allgoes to charity for a school in africa .this is my daughter who was really badly bullied racist bullying so doing her confidence world of good.Heres link http://missteenqueenuk.com/teen-queen-heat-two/
Now to text for her you if you want text 81319 then message is this:TQ83
as she is the girl in piccie number 83.thankyou to anyone who does .

love n hugs
Goodness, what a dreadful time you've been having. A least things are being dealt with as best they can, good luck to your eldest daughter with the modelling...
There is another WOYWW crop on Saturday 1st June in Wiltshire, last time I ran a raffle and raised moneynformthe Air Ambulance, don't know who the charity will be this year.
Hope you fell better this week :)
LLJ xx
I am not surprised you are late this week. I am only amazed that you can put two words together with such a terrible and very frightening time. I hope your daughter has recovered a little confidence and just takes care. Hopefully, this man will be caught and dealt with properly. Good luck to your eldest daughter - I did follow the link but could not get into the site. Take care of yourself and give yourself time to recover from your present health problems. We are all thinking of you. xx Maggie
Dannnnnnnnnnnnnng. Hoping things get better fast. Kudos to your eldest, I can't text to vote on anything, but I'm pulling for her.
Oh Jude. What an awful time you've been having. I'm sending you big hugs hoping things get sorted very soon.
Here for you always,
A x
Oh my goodness I feel so much for you and your family will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Good black to your eldest DD.
Oops was suppose to say good luck x
Wow - I surely hope things in your life improve soon. April #101
Aw Jude, you're experiencing our worst dreams, your poor daughter...she was so cool and did the right thing, you must be really proud of her. I hope her description helps the police and tha tshe can get over the awfulness of it so that she's not too frightened to be out and about. I can't write down my opinion of the 'so called' man that tried this...it's totally unprintable.
You take care of yourself, time on your hands or not, sounds like a t of rest and very gentle moving is on the cards for you - the pneumonia alone is enough to make you need to slow down. xxx
oh my goodness, not good at all, and she was very brave and stood her ground, they usually do run off. Long story, involving a naked man in the woods! Hope you are all okay now and not too bruised, or shaken up
happy VERY late woyww
Jumped over from woyww. Dear me. What an awful experience for you all. Relieved for you that it turned out the way it did. My heart is still in my mouth. Take care all of you, jenx
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