
Friday, 29 August 2008

WOW .......Blogg Candy Up For Grabs

Well as promised due to hitting 1000 hits on my blogg .You have to be in it to win it so you have to leave comment on here, also leave comment and link to blogg candy on your blogg.All entries will be put in a hat and one will be picked out by my daughters on the 29TH SEPTEMBER 2008 ,so you have pleanty of time to spread the word .Here's what you win

"The Set Of Laura Ashleys Contempary Wooden Stamp Set"These are lovely i have the set and can be highly recommended.



Su said...

Great news on reaching 1000 hits on your blog. Love these stamps but have'nt got this set yet. Have the papers to match it though ;)
Keep up the good work Su x

Anonymous said...

Wow 1000 hits on your blog. Haven't quite got one myself - too much to do, so little time!... Sorry to hear about your situation but the cards you've made are GREAT! Keep up the good work

Unknown said...

Hi Jude
Just wanted to say i have added you to my blog list, i love your blog and i will be a frequent visitor. I am also celebrating a 1000 hit and i wish you well.

Casey said...

1000 hits that's great. Keep up the good work.

June said...

congratulations !!! thats fantastic news. Well done on reaching this milestone. I need to work on mine but its a long way off for me. Your stamps are gorfgeous.
Hugs june x

Bunny B said...

Congrats on your hits! :) I've blogged!
Keep up the great job!

bunnybx at gmail . com

ribenaruby said...

Wow, Congratulations on your hits! Gorgeous candy for some lucky crafter. Link and post on my jubbly candy list.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jude! Congratulations on 1000 hits and thanks for a chance to win! I put the link on my blog.

Tab said...

Hi Jude
Wow 1000 hits!! How fantastic.
Ive added you to my blog.
Widget looks right at home lol

Maria Matter said...

Congrats on your 1000 hits! Isn't blogging fun! The stamp set you're offering is lovely! I gave you a shout on my blog...
Jude's blog candy
Blessings, Maria

Karen said...

I don’t have any of these stamps so I would LOVE to win these! I have posted with a link, linked on the candy roll on the right of my blog
I also have candy on offer!

Inger Marie said...

So lovely stamps i hope i win :)
1000 hits that is great.

Have a wonderful day

Hugs from Inger Marie

craft mad Jenny said...

congrats on your blog hits,
great blog candy - thanks for the chance to win some lovely stamps,

will link you on my blog,

Sivic said...

Congratulations on 1000 hits and thanks for a chance to win!
Greetings from Norway : )

lalalla said...

great blog, here is mine entry

Ali said...

Hi Jude,
Thanks for the chance to win this great blog candy. Have put a [post on my blog Here
Best wishes

Wellnifty said...

Hi Jude,
Congratulations. Thanks for the chance of winning such great Blog Candy, I'm off to post a link on my Blog


Olga Pope said...

Hi Jude. Congratulations on your first thousand! Mmm, the prize is lovely... =) I've written about your candy in my blog.
Olga x

Lauren said...

Great Candy! Will add a link to my sidebar!

Lauren xx

Karten-Stempel-Chaos by Inge said...

Congrats on your 1000 hits! Your Blog Candy ist so beautyfull!
I have post a link on my blog.


cwasia said...

Great blog candy!
I've posted on my blog:

Kamaftut said...

Congrats on your hits!

Great blog candy

My blog:

Best regards


annqaa said...

You have a very nice blog :)
Here is my link to your candy:

Ania - "Z Papieru Tworzone" said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ania - "Z Papieru Tworzone" said...

Hi, nice blog candy. I hope I win :)
This is link on my blog with your candy

Luciana said...

Congrats on your 1000 hits!
Greetings from Italy!!

Andrea said...

Congratulations for 1000 Hits. The candy is great, thanks for the chance to win this. I post your candy on my blog.
Hugs, Andrea

momcr4 said...

Your blog is just lovely!!
Sorry I havent started my blog yet, but wanted to congratulate you on the 1000 hits.

Sandra Wright. said...

Hello Jude,
I've posted a comment on my blog about yours, Fabulous Blog Candy

Smiles Sandie

craftymumof3 said...

Congratulations on reaching 1000 hits. Thanks for giving us the chance to win the fab candy. I've linked your blog to mine here.

Zielona said...

Very nice blog candy :)

Susan Says (Stupid Stuff) said...

Congrats on reaching 1000 hits, I'm quite new to blogging so I'm not even close to that yet. And thanks for the chance of winning those beautiful stamps. You can find my post about your blog candy hereGood luck to everyone,
Susan :)

Karin said...

congratulations on reaching so many hits already.
I made a link on the right side of my blog.

xoxo karin

Juunka said...

Congratulations!! I've posted you here at

Anonymous said...

OMW! Your blog is so cool. I love looking at all of your work. ANd it is amazing!

taja.85 said...

Congrats! I've linked your blog here:

Max said...

Me ... Me ... Me... !! :)
Congratulations Jude. Brilliant news that you have reached your 1st 1000 hits. Thanks for the opportunity to add my name to your list of possible winners of these fabby stamps.
Good Luck everyone.


Zuza said...

Hi, I really like your blog, I'm glad that I've found it! Here's my entry on candy:

*Sally* said...


iReneM said...

Congratulations on your 1000 hits.
Great blog, you are added to mine

Unknown said...

Hi Jude
Love the candy, xx
I will leave a link on my blog for you
Chat soon

Marie said...

Hejsan, vilken fin blogg du har och vilka fina alster du har knåpat ihop. Ha det bra!

Deborah said...

Hi Jude
Laura Ashley stamps! Cool :-) Will definitely leave a post/link on my blog. Thanks for visiting it btw.
Deb aka rustycage11

V Colbourne said...

Great blog candy :) And congrats on your 1000 hits, that's fantastic. I have linked you up on my blog, feel free to drop by!

Anne said...

Congrats on reaching 1000 hits. Love the candy and hope I win! x

Annelies said...

Congratulations on the hits! Here's my link
Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

Annie said...

Congratulations! and thank you for offering us such fabulous blog candy. I'm just about to put a link back here on my blog.
annie x

Riley said...

Beautiful blog candy!!
Here's my blog:
Rileys Dream Corner
Hugs Riley

Eve said...

Congratulations on your 1000 hits. I have added you to my website


wigget said...

wonderful prize. can i still enter if i don't have a blog?

Unknown said...

Congrats on reaching 1000 hits, and the stamps look very lovely.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the giveaway!
very cool you had to many hits

Jess said...

congrats on your 1000 hits...and thanks for the chance at this awesome candy! i will post it on my blog..

mrs.mommyy said...

way to go on 1000.... please enter me!

Gina said...

Congrats! Heres a link to mine:

Jean said...

Oh congrats on your Hits i have added you to my blog


Kathleen W. said...

Congrats on your 1000!

These would be great for my homemade Christmas baskets and goodies that I package for people. I love stamping stuff!

pinkpuppy said...


I have added the link!

Carolynn said...

Congrats on the hits!! Thanks for the chance to win the great blog candy!

Ilissa said...

Congrats on all those hits! What an accomplishment. Thank you for sharing this blog candy. I can think of a ton of things I could do with it. Thanks!

Fiorella said...

WOW wonderful give away!!! If only I won!

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog while visiting another blog from the splitcoaststampers website. I am just loving all these cool blogs and what an inspiration all of you are. Thanks so much for taking the time to post on your blogs. My name is Sonia and I don't have a blog I am new to this addiction.

Crafting Diva said...

Hi Jude wow what wonderful candy I have put a link on my blog for you would love to be in with a chance to win those wonderful stamps thanks

Leanne said...

How on earth could I have missed this blog candy????? Have put you on my blog candy list on my blog!

Woo hooo, fingers crossed!! xxxx

sensibilite said...


Happy Crafter said...

Hi what a great blog full of inspiration its lovely. Have put a link on my site for you its really nice blog candy glad to be in with a chance:)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I've linked to your blog on my one too, hope you manage to get loads more hits too!

Purple Princess said...

Congratulations! You are very talented! I linked you on my blog too!

Vikki said...


Well done on reaching the 1000 mark - here's to the next 1000!!!

Link to your blog over on mine now :)

Vikki xxx

Eve said...

Wow congrats on your 1000 hits.
Please add me to your draw
I have added a link to my blog

maiahs_momma said...

Congrats on all those hits :)! Look forward to seeing more wonderful creations by you, keep it up :)!


Pink Dandelion said...

Congratulations on your 1000 hits and thanks for the opportunity to win these fab stamps. I have put a link to your draw on my blog. Debs xx

Cazzy said...

Congratulations Jude and I would love to be in the draw for those lovely stamps please.

Have put a link on my blog candy alert section.

Cazzy x

sue-bubbles said...

I just love those stamps!!! Have popped you on my blog!
Sue x

Petra said...

Congratulation....what wonderful stamps...count me in please.


Liza said...

Congratulations on your 1000 hits. What lovely candy, thanks for the chance and I've linked on my blog.

Liza x

carine said...

great candy...i posted a link on my blog..thanx

♥ Pia... said...

Hej..länkar gör jag med..vill gärna vinna..PIA

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Very nice of you to offer some candy for grabs. I put your link on my blog, you can see it here:

x Natasha x

lucretia said...


Well, I've managed to leave my first blog comment just before this one, so now I'm on a roll!
Laura Ashley craft stuff is lovely..good idea

Papirolina said...

awww, what a gorgeous blog and pretty candy :)))

i left your link on my candy list on the right side of blog :)))


Stitchinwitch said...

Those stamps are so pretty. Thanks for the much needed boot to get on with my Christmas cards, I just can't get motivated.

Happy crafting

Anonymous said...

Love your blog, some nifty craft on here too. I found you via stitchinwitch so am linking back to you on my blog too. Great site.

Janet said...

love your blog! some great ideas!

carine said...

nice blog..i posted a link on my blog..very nice candy