Anyway back to candy this what you have to do for all my crafty followers thanks for the lovely comments since i started blogging
To be in with a chance of winning;
Please spread the word leave link on your blog to my candy.
Leave message on this thread
If your not afollower already please sign up to be in with a chance of winning these scrummy prizes all new craft items what you see in the photo you will receive.
This runs until 17th May 10pm (GMT)

Waw fab candy, and on 17.5. is my b-day, so hope I will win! I m already your follower and linked you on my blog! Congrats on anniversary! Hugs, moni
Hi Jude
Lovely candy you're giving away, I'm already a follower of your blog & have put a link to your candy on my blog.
Jan x
What a great candy. I wish i win. I am allready your follower, becouse i love to look at you creations.
Hi Jude!
Congratulations in advance for the anniversary - I too have a bad memory for these things.
Thanks for the chance to win! I'm already a followers and have a link on my sidebar to your candy!
Esme x
your hubby is just like mine!! bless them they're just not that bright are they? lol
I hope the kids manage to get him to remember this year hun :o)
I am already a follower and I have linked you to my candy box
Amanda xxx
Men what can i say???
Great blog candy,woohoo have linked you to mine..
Thanks for the chance to win.
congratulations hun on your annivesary what fab blog candy big just love your new blog hun its great hugs cheryl xxxxxxx
Hey Jude,
Happy Anniversary! I'm already a follower! and i've linked you. Great Candy
Hello! I'm from Russia. Its a super candy! I added a link to my blog:
Congrats on your anniversary!
Thank you for helping me paste my award on my blog - it's much appreciated! LOL!
What a lovely lot of candy - I know of a very good home for it!
Hey Jude, great candy. Wishing you both a Happy Anniversary for the 17th. It is also my Husband's birthday and our own anniversary is just 2 days later on the 19th. Like you I've got lots of family birthdays & anniversaries this month so busy making cards for everyone. Putting a link to your candy on my sidebar & already a follower. Have a good week!
Jenni x
Congratulation Anniversary!
Thank you that give a chance to win candy.
I link you candy in sidebar
I'm already a follower!
Wishing you both lots of happiness on your forthcoming wedding anniversary.... you didnt say how many years lol
I've added a link on my side bar and ohhhhh I lovvvve teh new blog design. the butterflies are gorgeous
hugs rozzy xx
Hi Jude, isnt it awful when the men dont remember, my oh doesnt have a choice in my house as it is the same day as my birthday and the kids will keep reminding him.
You are lovely to be offering this, lets hope that Andy remembers now
Take Care
love Claire
Happy Anniversary!
Lovely candy! Thank you for the chance to win :)
Teri xx
Hello Jude,
Happy Anniversary!!!!!
My husband tends to forget as well !! But he does remeber my birthday :) So I cant complain to much hehe .
I have linked you to my blog and I am also now following your blog.Thank you for the chance at winning your fab candy :)
Hi hun I like the slider card love the butterfly on it, i keep checking back to see how you are doing encase you sneak another one in behind my back.
Taks care sweetie lots love cheryl xx
Hi Jude,
Lovely blog candy, I hope hubby remembers and does something special for your anniversary.
Just going to link you in my sidebar now.
Julie x
Happy Anniversary, and thanks for offering us the blog candy! I'll list this on my blog Here
Congratulations Jude, hope you have a great day. I would love to be in with a chance of winning these fabby goodies.
I thought usually you would be the one to get the pressies, though, not you giving them, except to your other half. Have a fab time.
WOW Im new to your blog just found you when you joined the Ning Group!! The Stamps look great!! I will add you on my blog too. Keep up all your great making of your cards!!
Hi Jude, congrats !!!!! Happy anniversary :) We alway both forget ours lol both me and sam hehe.
anyway i love your candy and would love to win so i am off to add a link to my artyretreat blog on the side panel :)
Hugs June xxx
Congratulations Jude,
I have become follower,also left comment here,also going to post your candy on my blog,hope I have a chance to win!!!!
Luv Maureen x
OOOHh I Love the bunny clear stamps! This is the first i have seen your blog but I really like all your cards and paperbag albums.
I have posted a link on my blog and I will become a follower for sure! Thanks for the chance to win.
Fingers crossed, Allison
Happy wedding anniversaray! And speaking of men and their minds.. mine forgot our 1st (!!!) wedding anniversary. Tell ya what, he'll never forget one again LOL!!!
I've pic linked your candy on my sidebar.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Yummy looking goodies your giving away, and congrats on your anniversary!
I'm now following your blog, and I've posted pics of your candy as well as the link to your blog on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win the yummies!
Here's my blog:
This is my second entry, just because I forgot to mention I'm already a follower...
Hi! Great candy! The stamps are soo cute! And the flower, and the other goodies are also very nice! I linked you on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win! Best wishes!
Happy wedding anniversaray! I put a link on my sidebar.
Lovely candy!
My link is
And i'm your follower.
Nive candy..thanks.
Have linked it and follow.
Hi! Thank`s for the chance to win!
I made a link to this post on my blog
I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section
And I'm your Follower!
I've added a link for your FaB Candy on my blog HereAnd Will follow for sure :)
thanks for the chance
Nikki C
Hi Jude, Happy Wedding Anniversary! I hope you have a wonderful day. I am already a follower and i have now put a link and piccy on my blog to yours. What beautiful candy you are offering. Thankyou for the chance to win it.
Love n hugs
Vikki xx
Congratulations on your Wedding Anniversary already!!!
I'm so happy I just discovered your lovely blog! You are so creative!
Thanks for sharing this GREAT candy! Someone, somewhere will be very happy with it...I can only dream it's me! :)
**your candy is on my blog, at the 'candy-bar' on the right side**
I'll follow your lovely blog**
Hi Jude
Happy wedding anniversary. You have a great blog candy. Thanks for a chance to win. I'm a follower but I don't have a blog!
wow, what a great candy!
it ends a day after my B-day, too!
hope I'll win this!
I'm a follower and I blogged:
Oh... lovely candy!! thanks for the chance, I'm happy to be your follower!!
hugs from italy
Hi Jude, found your blog through Rozzybee's blog. Happy Anniversary when it comes. I don't have a blog as yet, cause I'm really quite new to all this, love your page though and it's contents. Great candy too.
Wooow, what a great candy! Thanks for the chance to win!
I've put you a link on my side bar
Hugs, Glòria
This looks great-fab prize. Congratulations on your anniversary-my OH always forgets too. He's so bad that the only birthday he can remember is his own! I have to drop really big hints about everything and even then he still forgets.
AS mentioned in my other post, I haven't a clue how to do links on here yet so if you can help that would be really great.
Fliss xx
Congratulations on your Wedding Anniversary!!
Great blogcandy! Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm already a follower and I posted a link on my blog:
Happy wedding anniversaray!!!!
Mine is on 20/05 !!!
I put a link on my sidebar.
Thanks for the chance to win
Hi from Italy! Congrats on your anniversary and thanks for a chance to win this beautiful candy! I just put a link to my candybar, and now I am a follower!
Hello! I'm from Russia, your blogcandy is amazing !!! I added a link to my blog:
Have a good mood ;)
Congratiulations on your wedding aniversary, it's a great candy and beautifull stamps... you have got a great blog
i've put a link to your candy at the right side of my blog
greetings Valerie
Thanks for the chance to win such yummy candy and congratulations in your wedding anniversary. I have linked on the left side of my blog.
Lisa xx
What fab candy. Thanks for the chance of winning it. I am also happy to follow your fantastic blog.
I have linked you in my sidebar.
Hope you have a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!
I don't have a blog of my own but I do have e-mail and I have sent a link to your site to all my crafty gal pals!
Thanks for the op to win some YUMMY blog candy!
Char in So Cal
{scrampaddict} {at} {cox} {dot} {net}
Lucky me! I am now a follower of your blog!!
Thanks again!
Char in So Cal
{scrampaddict} {at} {cox} {dot} {net}
Happy Anniversary for when it comes round, why is it all husbands always forget but us wifes never do??
Have linked you on my sidebar and I am already a follower.
Kim xXx
It's a great candy!! Thanks for the chance of winn...
Welcome to my blog
pick me! pick me!
Thank you for the blog candy!
Keshet (from Israel)
Here is the link i've made on my blog-
Lovely candy :) So sunny :)
Thanks for the chance to win it :)
I posted your candy picture on my blog (candy sidebar)
I'll follow you anywhere! pick me, pick me!
Great candy!
Count me in!
great blog, thank you for the blog candy.
here is the link from my blog
wow lovely blog candy! i dont have a blog yet (i can wait to start one..) but i will tell my friend about your blog candy :)
p.s: this is my mail if you need something:
hugs from Russia
i love tour blog! thank u for a chance to win :)
What a candy , yammmmmmyyy
I linked to your blog at mine`s
I am one of your followers
Fabulous Blog and Candy!! Happy Anniversary to you and your Hubby!!...I've linked your candy on my sidebar...Thank you so much for entering my candy..Good Luck!!...Hugs, Ila
What cute cards! I especially love the Just Magnolia wk 3 - the colors, the embellishments - it's perfect. And your blog setup is so pretty as well - the butterflies & glittery blue flowers. I've been blog hopping a lot lately & the more blogs I see the more I realize mine is just so vanilla. Hope to have time to overhaul mine soon! Anyway, thanks for the chance to win your fabulous blog candy! Happy Anniversary - hope your hubby remembers :) I look forward to seeing more beautiful cards now that I'm a follower.
Hey Jude, happy anniversary! thank you for the chance to win your lovely candy :) I linked you in my blog here:
Blessings from Israel,
Happy Anniversary!! I posted your candy in my sidebar and follow your blog!:)
Thanks for the chance to win.
sorry i can't link up, i don't have a blog.
I will tell my friends about your blog
thank you!
Great blog thanks for the chance
Hi!! I'm a follower and I have your fabulous candy linked on my sidebar. Thanks foir a chance to win! Hugs, CHristine
Happy Anniversary for the 17th. Have added myself to your followers and put a link on my candy sidebar. Thanks very much for this generous prize.
happy anniversaire and thanks for this candy! bye
Happy Anniversary!! Thank you for this opportunity for this YUMBLY Candy...I have becoe a follower and also linked your 2 photos to my NEW BLOG:
Thank you!!
Hi, sweet candy, thank you!
congrats and great candy! I have posted a link and become a follower.
Oh my gosh Jude! you have flowers in your candy hehe!!! and gromlets (i cant find them anywhere to buy except ebay)!!! off to link u up hun, thanks for the chance to win some lovely goodies Carly xx
Hello Jude,
what is it with men? Once my SO got me a lovely massage / foot treatment in a parlor for my birthday and I made a huge fuss about it, hoping he'd understand that for ONCE he got it right and I loved it and that he should do it the next time as well. Safe to say, I have not gotten anything similar after since. He says he doesn't want to give me the same thing? Makes me wanna spank him bad - when I say it's okay and that I loved it, he just won't get the hint ;P
Anyway, a lovely candy you have here, and hope your hubby is better trained than mine ^_^ I joined your followers and added you to my candy bar!
Greetings from Norway,
Hi Jude,
Congratulations on your Wedding Anniversary.
Lovely candy, I have added a link to your blog in the right sidebar of my blog and become a follower too.
I have posted a pic of your candy and a link to your website.
I just started my blog a couple of months ago and then I got pnuemonia, but I am back and will keep it updated.
I would love to have you visit my blog and become a follower. I will be giving away candy soon.
So lovely candy... : )))
Thanks for a chance... : )))
My link in the blog...
what a great blog. I have become a follower and put a link to your candy in the candy bar on the right hand side of my blog
Hope you have a good anniversary Hugs Julie x
Wonderful Blog candy! and Nice work you have done.
I have some blog candy as well if you are interested pop on over.
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!!!
Lovely candy!!! thanks for the chance to win!!! Posted a link on my sidebar. Also became your follower.
Congrats on your Anniversary! Great candy:) Greetings from Lucia:)
Hi! I'm from Russia, Siberia, the cold spring, we just can warm your candy.
Happy anniversary... Thanks for the chance to win this lovely blog candy.
Ive linked your candy on my sidebar. Im following too.
Happy Anniversary! I'm already a follower! and added a lnk to this candy on my blog . Beautiful Candy.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Hugs from Poland
Happy anniversary! Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful candy!
I linked the candy on my sidebar!
Hugs, Tanja
Congratulations in advance for the anniversary!
I linked the candy on my sidebar and I'm follower.
Thanks for the chance to win this lovely blog candy.
So glad I found your beautiful blog!
I have just become a follower and I am sure I will check back often!
Thanks so much for the chance @ the Sweet candy!
So glad I found your beautiful blog!
I have just become a follower and I am sure I will check back often!
Thanks so much for the chance @ the Sweet candy!
I have linked you to my sidebar @
Well I feel so sad for you. I don't know what I would do if my Hubby forgot our Anniversary. After 10 years he better remember the day he signed his life away to me;) Hehehe!!! Anywho, I have linked you to my blog and Thank you for a chance.
Happy happt anniversary :)
Wish you a lot of new happy years.
And wish i win the....ti-hi
Put the candy in a link on my blog and became a follower as well.
Big hug from norway :)
Great blog candy and just love your creations. Thanks for the chance to win this fab stash! I have left a link on my sidebar
Happy Anniversary and thanks for the chance to win this! I have linked you on my sidebar
Happy anniversary! Thanks for a chance at winning some terrific candy. I've added a link from me to you and am now a follower, too!
Hi there, happy anniversary, great candy and have become a follower
Congratulation Anniversary!
Thank you that give a chance to win candy.
I link you candy in sidebar
Awesome stuff on your blog. Wow! Love your sidebars!! Thanks for the chance to win.
Happy Anniversary! I've added your candy to the sidebar on my blog and added a tweet on twitter! Have a great weekend.
Happy Aniversario,mil felicidadesss,y gracias por la oportunidad de poder participar en tu blog candy,ya pongo tu enlace en mi blog,besos....
Hello :-)
The thing I love about blog candy links is that you are led not only to the chance to win great candy but to visit great blogs too that you might never have come upon in the blogging world..
I have become a follower and have added you to my side bar with photo link :-)
Happy Crafting
ps... Happy Anniversary !
Nummy candy on a wonderful Blog!! Happy Anniversary! I will link you and I am a follower. Thanks for the chance!
What a fab candy. I especially love english magazines. Thank you so much for the chance and congrats on your anniversary! I celebrated 10 years together with my love in december :)
I wrote about your candy on my candypost and will sign up as a follower.
Happy Anniversary. I know only too well what it is like to have your husband forget your anniversary. Mind doesn't remember my birthday or Mothers Day either.
Fabulous blog candy you have on offer. I have featured it on my blog and added my name to your blog as a follower. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Love those stamps and they would make some rather cute cards.
Hi Jude
I have already left a comment but thought I would leave another today to wish you & your hubby happy Anniversary.
Have a great day.
Take care
Debs xx
Happy Anniversary. My hubby dare not forget ours as we are only just married
Hello! What's a candy! I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy".
And I'm your Follower!
Thanks for a chance to win!
Hugs Fifi.
Congrats for your wedding anniversary!
Thanks for sharing this candy, it´s fabulous!
I put the link in my sidebar for people to know about it.
congratulation for anniversary!!!
The candy is lovely^^
I'm follower and link in my sidebar XD
Have a nice day!
I love this candy a lot ))) I am a follower for a long while now. I love scrapbooking and cardmaking a lot, but it is impossible to get anything for creative work where I live. so I hope I can win anything through giveaway ))) I linked it on sidebar
Thanks for the chance to win it ) Hugs. Larisa
Happy anniversary! I'm following and there's a link in my sidebar . Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
thank you for the chance to win the suprise candy!!
I am a follower also and added a link to the sidebar
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