Well i am honoured to receive this lovely blog award from Rebecca at http://scrapersdelight.blogspot.com/ .Thanks so much and hope you will become a follower.This award has a few rules first of all you have to give it to a new blog that you have recently come across.Let them know they have an award ,then they must mention your blog when accepting the blog .Pass on to 15 other sites that you have just recently come across.My blog addy is http://crafts-international.blogspot.com/
I will add to this list when i come back later. please take the blog award given to those below
1.CHERYL....http://cheryl-cherylscreativeatcscards.blogspot.com/ 2.EIGLAS...http://eiglas.blogspot.com/
I will add to this list when i come back later. please take the blog award given to those below
1.CHERYL....http://cheryl-cherylscreativeatcscards.blogspot.com/ 2.EIGLAS...http://eiglas.blogspot.com/
7.JEN...http://jen-lowe-designs.blogspot.com/This blog has some great ideas and fab tutorials
8. http://paperbasics.blogspot.com/This blog has some stunning creative makes the name says it all ,so glad i dropped by .
Oh Jude! Thank you so much for giving my blog this lovely award! I'm totally gobsmacked!
I really appreciate it, especially from a blog I adimire, so thank you again!
Having said all that, and quite sincerely, what do I do now? ! LOL!
I know to pass it on but can I pick up the little logo somehow? You'll have to excuse me for being dim, but I've only been doing this blogging lark for ten days!
Cheers Jude. Crumbs - 15 blogs to find....I thought 10 was hard.
Thanks for thinking of me anyway bud.
Take care
Sam x
Hey Jude (bet you've heard that a few times lol!!) - thanks ever so much for popping over to my blog and leaving a lovely comment. Also soooooooooooo happy to receive a blog award - thanks again.
I have to say that I have found everyone so kind & friendly in this world of crafting & blogging - it restores my faith in mankind.
Hope you have a great day.
Take care
Debs xx
All Those above comments go to me too hun you know how much this means to me love you hun xxx
Wow Jude! Only just picked up on what your comment of the other day meant! Like Ei, I'm rather new to this and don't have my daughter's help now as she's gone back to uni.
I'm really thrilled that you've given me an award but have no idea how to put links on my blog. If you can point me in the right direction I'd be so grateful.
Fliss xx
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