Now before we get onto my desk i have big favour to ask all you WOYWW crafters/snoopers whatever youd like to be called...lol.As some of you will know my daughter was serverely bullied this year where it ended up us taking her out of school on medical advice from Gp.Thankfully we removed her from that school with the help of our MP.Now loves her new school im so happy as ive got my daughters back smiling,and happy.Regaining there self control.Anyway my eldest Sophie 13 got head hunted for modeling and tv work.She has no been choosen to go into the 3rd round of Teen queen.To get to the finals she has to be in top 2 .She need as many votes as Possible voting started last night ends 30th November.By text Vote if you would like to see more photos and maybe vote by text whihc i thankyou from the bottom of my heart .Then please go to post below here;http://crafts-international.blogspot.com/2010/11/heres-my-news-please-help-if-you-can.html

It must be Recycle week this week this used to be box with no draws so i have made the draws .I have got it covered now ave to add some decoration .And cover inside the boxes .What is it going to be?Well it is going to be advent box i have wee gifts wrapped up for us all my 2 daughters .O/h and MWAH..As youngest daughter doesnt eat chocolate so this year wed be different.Today have to decorate add some handles and then pop presents in each one .So they have 1-24 wee presents in there draw.I am now just stuck with what to put on the top to decorate so any ideas gratefully received?
This well this is piccy of the mess i left last night ,have moved box so you could see what was in the way.
So today i have only 4 projects that need finishing whihc is good for me....lol
So have a happy Wednesday thanks in advance to anyone who supports my daughter truly grateful it's just so nice to have her back smiling througout everything shes been through this year!
Last but not least please enter my sweet candy loads lovely candy on offer .post will stay at the top of blog until the 12th Dec so please i would love all you WOYWW Ladies to enter be in with a chance to win some crafty christmas goodies and distress inks.
Thanks for all the messages last week first week back managed to get round you all....Wow took some time but i did it!
Have fab day keep warm and safe and till next week ."Happy Crafting"
Good luck with your daughters modelling and hugs to the daughter who was bullied (i take it they are different daughters?) having gone thru a similar experience at high school cos my father was a miner during the miners strike and went back to work! I send you much love and hopes for your family and am so glad you took the steps to remove her as did my own parents
simply gorgeous projects today
Good luck to your daughter! fabulous snooooppy desk this week, I have some similar draws that could do with a re-vamp! Have a happy WOYWW!!
(((Lyn))) #42
Well done to your daughter, I hope she gets on! Loving your crafty Christmas desk, it looks amazing.
Hi Jude, lovely busy work desk and some wonderful projects! Jo x
Glad your daughter is happy in her new school. Bullies are such cowards.
Good luck to your other daughter... a great career in prospect!
Sue xx 71
Hi ya Jude
glad your daughter is now happy at school, congratulations to Sophie pretty girl.lovely creative desk, gorgeous drawers,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,(29)x
Good luck to your daughter. Lots of lovely magnolia images on your desk.
Elaine no48
Good lord you are prolific! In the time it takes me to think about something - you're doing it! Love the projects - and the blue work you posted later. And good luck to the model, she's a natural!
love love LOVE your creative chaos of a workspace this week! *smiles*
Your daughter is quite pretty.
wow jude love your mess!!!!! sorry to hear about your missing goodies hun and great news about your daughter too, happy wednesday!!! hugs Lou xx
wow jude love your mess!!!!! sorry to hear about your missing goodies hun and great news about your daughter too, happy wednesday!!! hugs Lou xx
Gosh, I love all your stuff, you are so creative. Beautiful! (126)
Hi Jude, first I'd like to wish your daughter good luck with the modelling - she's a lovely girl so hopefully she will go far. So sorry to hear about the bullying but glad to hear that things are much better now. Now, that desk, oh dear, no wonder you said mine was too neat but I've just figured out that it's the messy desks that are the most interesting because there's lot's to see. That box is such a great idea too. Hugs, elizabeth #113
Jude, some gorgeous items you have made. What a pretty daughter. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 34)
It's always good to hear of happy endings and of course I will vote for your daughter. Fingers crossed!
Gorgeous projects on your desk and I love your creations in your newest post.
sending lots of good luck wishes for your daughter:)
Have a fab week...A.xx(2)
lots of lovely Tilda colouring going on, good luck to your daughters modeling
Lovely desk full of projects - Good luck to your daughter x
even more great projects. Good luck to your beauty queen.
Have sent the text, best of luck to your daughter x Great projects going on this week.
Alison x
fabulous projects on the go today, good luck to the model and hope the ne school contimues to help your daughter blossom
so many amazing projects. where do you find the time? i love to recycle too so i really liked your projects.
happy WOYWW from #20 this week!
You must have far more hours in your day than mine - so many projects on the go - love the idea of a CD case :-)
Lots of lovely projects going on. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
All the best for your daughter... proud mum!
Chrissie #1
you have been busy. have a great weekend. caroline #13
Fabulous desk! I love all the coloured Tilda's :)
Thanks for popping by my space too x
Jenny x
You have a lot of cute papers on your desk.. and so many projects.. where do you find the time? Congrats on your daughters success in modeling!! Fingers crossed she makes it all the way! I'm off to vote.
What a productive space. Love your advent drawers...very clever. Thanks for sharing! Susan xxox #17
I hope your daughter wins! I see you are in the "Night before" mode (grin). Sorry I'm so late getting here. You would think since I had most of my obligations out of the way, I would have freed up a bit more computer time. Unfortunately, what happened was, I was so far behind, I became overwhelmed. Will try to do better this week.
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