So no more room to push to the right or push to the left !just drop to the floor!So had this great ,fabtastico idea that was about time i sorted my craftroom out ....Yep you heard well the piccy below is where one has started to sort through the corner to the right of my desk.That was till i got this cracking alien growing out the side of my cheek...no not a zit be happy if it was ,another tooth abscess.Well gone the spring clean and i havent even started yet .But when you see the following piccies..... boy have i got along way to go.Im hoping all the stuff i forgot i had will spur my mojo back into full flow..... Ive started so i will finish hopefully by weekend.....
My desk space to the left of my desk you can see my Tim Holtz cases,cold cuppa coffeeand basically no desk to work on there is craftsheet under there somewhere...lol
Under the desk
Then i have to start on the back wall Poor old Vagabond covered up basically top of these draws dumping ground at the mo..
Bit further along the wall to the end where my carousel which is overflowing also
So as you can see i have a fair bit to tackle but i shall get there.As i can't stand the mess these elves made scandless how they come just take over.Anyways i hope your desks have more productive creations than mine today.I will get round you all hopefully after dentists but then again prob only give me anti-biotics and started taking them as had some left over .So may just give couple days till they start to work then go.Have fab wednesday.Stay safe take care.
Love n hugs
Love n hugs
Yep, you have a serious mess on your hands. I guess You need to have a word with the elves, because they left a mess for you to clean up. Good luck with it, because I feel your pain! Happy WOYWW from # 3.
I have a smile on my face, I'm sorry! I always enjoy seeing a mess cause it makes me feel I'm not alone with mine! Patsy from
well done getting down to business, think mine needs a sort out too! hope you are all better now!
Happy WOYWW! Debxx # 9
Gosh those elves have a lot to answer for!! Hope your poor mouth is doing ok, Hugs May x x x
I spy a snowman! I know, mojo are a real pain when they disappear and hide..wish mine would come back I make something and then bin it! very wasteful! I've got one anti-biotic left of my second dose...if it works why don't they give you the last tablet first! Have a tidying up week if not a crafty one! HaPpY WoYwW!!
Oh please can I come and play ...dont ask me to tidy ...I'll bring a cake ...make the tea ...and play in the mess.
Your comment made me laugh ...Seeing me run is not a pretty sight ...I tried to return a foot ball a few months ago ...and caused those around me to giggle. Hope your tooth abcess subsides. xx
this is very similar to what I think my brain probably looks like on the inside so I feel totally at home looking at this... my studio is so tidy at the moment I am a bit scared to go in there... happy woyww xx
So sorry you are in pain... your room/desk etc looks like mine before I started the clearout so I could sort out!!!! Good luck with it!! Come back mr mojo
Great space!!! you got heaps of fabbi things going on :D I am inbetween tidies but that seems to be every week now!!
Ger x
I cannot imagine what wonderful goodies are hidden amongst all you stash. Hope the pain gets sorted.
So sorry to hear about your pain, not fun. That can make any motivation leave, for sure.
I love your Tim Holtz cases and I was ecstatic to hear his announcement about the 12 tags of 2012. Several folks over at my blog were just saying how tough it is to do all those during the month of December. I've got the February one printed out and have the honeycomb paper on order. Can't wait!
You just tell those naughty little elves to clean up after themselves. :-)
Happy Woyww!
Sandy #19
I'm so glad my husband has stopped peeking over my shoulder, he's been shocked at what I consider tidy desks, he'd faint dead away if he saw this, lol!! Not that he's tidy mind you, talk about double standards!! Hope you get the abcess sorted out, poor thing, one thing after another. I've been watching Kingdom again, love the scenery, so I'll come over and help you clear up, OK? Thanks for the sock love, they're so toasty and warm!
Brenda 6
Good luck with the organizing and cleaning!
So sorry to hear about your tooth, ouchie! You need to banish those elves and get you some cleaning faries, I hear they are around somewhere...they come and go at my place, darn fae's never hang around when you need them! Ya'll are getting a jumpstart on me for WOYWW but mine will be up tomorrow! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
Oh heck! Some serious sorting needs to be done here. Wish I had a magic plane to get me there to help you out. Still, if I had a magic plane I could just have a wand and magic it all tidy for you. Me thinks you need the elves back - to tidy the mess they made.
Hope all is well with you and yours - how are you feeling hun?
Neet xx 29
I always seem to be in a constant state of "reorganize." I get one thing done and I'm already working out something else that needs to get done and then everything is a mess again.
Oh thank you..so it is the elves!!
I can't imagine we grown ups creating such chaos in our crafty area.
Just glad to know it is not just me.
Have a wonderful WOYWW
Mmm... the elves, lol. like your storage, and the black stand for your paper. Happy WOYWW 141, thank you for sharing your workspace, # 52
Good morning; just having a quick pop my head round the door moment, before I have to get on with all my chores! So tidy up is what you are up to this week. I'm sure you'll find mr mojo in there somewhere!
Neil #49 or thereabouts!
It always looks worse before it gets better, hang in there...
your post requires anxiety pills for the OCD crafter like me :) but I love that you are fearless and share it and honestly it looks so fun as you are sure to discover things you forgot you have. Happy Woyww
Poor you!hope your mouth feels better ..I am sure mr mojo will return...have a good week hugs trace x 51
I feel for you sister cause my room is in a mess too...I wish I had kept up with it earlier but...today I clean! Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing. Don't forget my blog candy is still up for grabs so drop by and leave a comment and make sure you are a follower. Vickie #64
Those elves want a good telling off. It's about time they learned to tidy up for themselves.
Really hope your mouth improves very soon....ouch.
A x
I have 3 years of elves doing that to me too! I had to enlst help to sort out the mess,and even tho it took 4 months, a tidier set up resulted in mojo magnificence!
Not that I condone tidiness and/or orderliness in any way shape or form!!! Oh no, life is too short for that! Lol just letting you know I am so feeling your space! Lol
Even I, messy old Helen, thinks you have a job on your hands. Mind you I have too... I'm not going to suggest a race though, as you'd win hands down. Hope your abcess gets better soon and your room organises itself (that would be a neat trick!!)
oh my what a mess! and I thought mine was bad.. in fact it is quite tidy compared to yours :)
Happy woywwing
Jennie #7
You know, every time i see so much crafty staff i think..It Soo great to have it! So much thing you can do!
I like your working place! that mess is just temporally!
Happy WOYWW!
Olga x
And the very best of luck with that little lot! Don't get lost in there - if we don't see you for a while, we'll send a search party to look for you!!
Hugs, LLJ #72 xx
On the one hand a serious mess usually means you have been seriously creative, but then I know how hard it is to be productive in a messy space. I seem to craft like mad for a week orso, pushing stuff aside or piling it up off my desk, then get hit by the cleaning bug and attack it all in a day or two. I am usually them more productive on a neat desk. Having said that, being creative on the Mac means no mess :) Maybe that's why I enjoy it so!
Mary Anne
For the most part my room looks pretty tidy, but open the doors on my cabinet and stuff just starts falling out! See I'm a closet mess!
Love looking at your desk Jude it makes me feel so smug that mine is not as messy (well not quite but I'm working on it).
Sorry about the tooth abscess, must be very painful.
Ann B
I'm very imressed by all the goodies on your desk. That is a mine field of fun there.
So sorry about your tooth abscess, ouch. Hope is is better now.
Have a great week.
Von #40 :)
Good luck in sorting all that out! I usually find a good sort out helps me find my mojo if I've left it lying under something.
I hope your mouth feels better soon too - those abcesses are sore! And I'll leave you with something my mum always says - you should always finish a course of anti-biotics, even if you feel better before you've finished, cos it makes sure all the infection is gone.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Wow wonder what you'll find as you sort it all out? Bound to be something you forgot you had! Take care & enjoy this week's WOYWW. Zo xx 88
Hope your tooth is better soon! Love the thorough snoop, so many goodies you have there. Surely they'll entice your mojo out! #27
I am with you on the tidy up - yet again. The bits of my desk I have show this week are the only bits that are really tidy. It was all tidy last week! What happened! Hope your tooth settles down very soon, and you have a better week. xx Maggie
Oh yeah! Now that looks like a busy desk! LOL! Kim
love to see your creative desk!
Happy Wednesday :-)
Hugs Marleen #45
hi, oooh poor you I hope your mouth gets better very soon. Your desk is certainly looking busy good luck with the sorting out
Anne-marie x no 121
now that is untidy :-) wouldn't mind hvn a rummage tho bet there's lots of goodies hidden there xxx
now that is untidy :-) wouldn't mind hvn a rummage tho bet there's lots of goodies hidden there xxx
Hi Jude,
I'm not participating this week - but did have to take a snoop! Wow, you certainly will be busy for a while sorting out. I'm just envious, that's all!
Hope your mouth issue gets better soon!
Pity you can't get the elves to sort it all out! (Hazel, WOYW #138) x
WOWZA ! You have lots of treasure hidding around there !
Why does sorting things out always create an even bigger mess?! It will be good when it is all done with. I often find my creative mojo when sorting and organizing; you find things you forgot you had. So, so sorry to hear about the tooth abcess. I've had my fill of dentists this year already.
Oh dear, Jude, that is rather a mess to clear up ... those pesky elves have a lot to answer for :)) Hope your dentist can sort you out, although I think you are probably right and it will be more antibiotics before he can do something to prevent the abscess returning. Hope your day has improved. Elizabeth x #116
Oh, dear, I hope your tooth heals quickly!
That's quite an impressive assortment... Darn elves!
I enjoyed snooping on your desk today - I want one of those Tim Holtz die cuts thingys so bad I cannot see straight!!!!!
Oh Jude - if only we lived a bit closer - I would happily come and be your house elf for a day or two. Hope the antib's get to work on that abscess. x Jo
oh and oh some more.... I NEED those Timmie cases!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for letting me snoop on your desk today!!!!! Will follow you and keep sneeking a peak!
Happy WOYWW!!
Lisa xxx
Wow i guess your do have a mess! Makes my workspace look immaculate. Good luck tiding.
I'm still sorting mine space out. After three weeks+ I'm down to 2 piles to clear and under my desk. Now I can't find anything!!!!! Hugs Mrs A.
LOL I wont say what everyone else has said already but boy you have your work cut out for you
Bridget #53
I hope your tooth abcess gets sorted...I know they get really painful. You do not to be sorting and organizing when you are under the weather.
Those elves need to go on the naughty step...That's what I do with them when they mess up my space.hahahaha
Awww poor thing! I hope you are feeling better. You have quite the job on your hands with the work space. I bet after sorting and sifting you'll be so full of ideas!
Feel better soon - Tracy (#162)
I can definitely relate. Any flat surface is fair game for piling stuff... until it topples ROFL.
Have a great time sorting...
i see it's one of those days for you! ahh those elves! happy WOYWW, and thanks for sharing!
peggy aplSEEDS
Gosh, those naughty elves! I can usually blame mine onto the cats. LOL
MMMM think i would have to have a serious word with those elves. Lou x
Wow you've got your work cut out with your workspace!
Where do you craft? Good luck with your clean up. :)
Oh my, a tooth absess! Hate those, used to get them every time I wrote an exam as a kid. I think it is stress related with me.
Looks like you have got your work cut out for you sorting through all your stuff, but you are right. Its the best MOJO you can get. My room stayed clean, for about a millisecond before mr, Mojo just went wild!
Happy belated WOYWW and I do hope you feel better already.
Ah Jude, you've had a lot on, keeping things perfect in your own area becomes a very low priority! You'll enjoy the process and the result will be ace!
Looks like mine on a more or less regular day...if I am crafting. If not..it is too tidy and nothing is happening in there at all.... so...I'm thinking....this is actually pretty good...
Hope you are feeling better soon. I'm sure your mojo will return once you've sorted out the mess made by the elves.
Happy belated WOYWW what a great space you have, it looks just like mine lol,
thanks for sharing,
hugs sandra xxx
You've made me realise I need to fess up to the mess that no-one can see, and sort my stuff out! Good luck with the spring clean....
Morti #48
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